New Products for Distribution
We are always looking for new products to distrubute them in Germany,
Europe or worldwide. We are a fast growing company and we can offer you
things like:
- powerful project management to support your development
- good programming tools ;-)
- connections to many of the best Amiga programmers to solve programming
- powerful marketing and distribution worldwide
- dealers and distributors worldwide
- connections to the most important companies like Phase 5, ProDAD
(p-OS), Eagle, AT, VisCorp, PIOS, ...
When you have a product that should be offered to the Amiga community
or when you are developing or planning a product - then you should speak
to us. We are very interested in good products that will support the future
of Amiga.
If you are interested in these things, please contact us- we are
waiting for YOU: Here
I am !
We develop to PowerUP the AMIGA !

© 1997 HAAGE & PARTNER Computer - http://www.haage-partner.com
