Sneek Previews of Screen Designs

(now fixed ;)

Yes, folks - here is what the preliminary designs for the game will look like. It would help if you have "Auto Load Images" switched on in your browser, as this page is mostly pics!

World Map Design
This screen shows the World Tactics screen. You'll see that the continents on the map resemble Earth (in this case) - each of which are divided into countries or states. At the bottom of the image, you'll see two icons - the first is "Show World Map" and the second is "Disk Menu".

Attack and Retreat allow you to change what units go where. If you attack a computer-owned country, you go onto the Map screen....

NOTE: These are all top-level diagrams, and any sub-windows much some functions need (indicated by a "...") are not available here.

Commands Menu with Building Options
This is page 1 of 4 for the Commands menu. Here, it shows the building options.

Commands Menu with Move Options
Page 2 of 4. Troop moving operations are shown here.

Commands Menu with Trade Options
Page 3 of 4. Trading with other countries that you own? Here's a good place to come for the latest supplies.

Commands Menu with Scanning Options
Page 4 of 4. Doing some ground surveying? Feeling diplomatic?

City Options
You got some cities? Change the city options here.

Market Options
Want to buy some designs or weapons? See if you can get a good bargin here.

Troop Organisations
Here you manage your troops and sort out what units go where and what they do.

Disk Options
Load, save, restart options and such are controlled here.

Note that all these images are DESIGN images, all have NOT been drawn finally by the graphics people. If you must know, I (Oondy) did them :).

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