I'm sure I can't be the only one who used to dread F1GP forcing a wet race upon me in the middle of a championship season. That's why I was so happy when F1GP-Ed made it possible to remove the chance of rain. But then I began to think it was a shame to just avoid wet races rather than get used to such challenging conditions. You only have to think of Michael Schumacher at Spain, Monaco ('97, not '96!) or Belgium to see that a slippery track seperates the men from the boys.
The problem was that there was no incentive in F1GP to get used to the wet. That was until the idea of starting up a Wet Hall of Fame came to me, where anyone brave enough would put their times forward for public worship... or ridicule! =) I asked Oliver to look into the possibility of having wet qualifying sessions, and thankfully he was able to do this. This has been implemented in F1GP-Ed as the 'All Sessions Wet?' option in the Preferences window.
Anyway, now that it is possible to qualify in the wet, I am asking anyone who is interested in accepting the challenge to start submitting their best efforts. Although the times will be displayed in a similar way to the real Hall of Fame, they will not be scored - for two reasons. Firstly, I don't imagine there will be enough times submitted to make this worthwhile. Secondly, I don't want to reduce the interest in the real Hall of Fame by introducing a rival points-scoring competition. In other words, it will simply be a collection of times set in the wet.
In order to submit times for the Wet Hall of Fame (WHoF), I would recommend that you set up a seperate F1GP-Ed datafile or F1GP-RES datafile for your wet records and set-ups. The choice of datafile obviously depends on which program you currently use for submitting times.
Hopefully I will be able to bring you more news about the WHoF next month... and maybe even the first batch of times. =)