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As the followers of the true path are mostly humans their biology isn't important. Links are available about human biology here.
Some members of this comunion have displayed psi powers, but not in an extraordinary way. These powers are often seen as a gift from the lord and children with these abillities are taken away at birth to become either priests or traders.
As the two religious wings combined their forces a whole new system was designed to prevent arguments. The pope still stands on the highest level of command. Followed by the 'scripters', that make law and write interpretations of the holy script. Below these stand the the cardinals, that each rule over their own religious districts. These districs are devided in smaller villages that are controlled by a group of 15 Elders. They enforce the law and teach their ways to their followers. Priests and traders excist outside of this structure. Often being psi's these people where trained to Spread their religion true the Universe, and make a few bucks whilst trading on the way.
The Dervishes homeworld is a green and quite beautifull planet. ( to normal earthling standards that is) Resembling earth in many ways the planet is covered with almost 80% of water. Large jungles spread over the three continents and the flora and fauna is quite pleasant. The local life was quite hostile however, with several large predators roaming the lands. During the colonisation however most local life was destroyed and replaced with friendlier eartlike animals.
The Dervishes of Eieez speak standard earth english. They do however incorporate a lot of biblical phrases in their sentences. Often they can be heard to quote passages of their holy scripts during their conversations. Some have speculated that they do this on purpose, thus influencing other people to join their religion.
After the Earth-Korhonen conflict many religions lost their
following. Large numbers of believers decided that the fate
they had placed in their religious figures had been misplaced.
The earth religions mainly existed of katholic and protestant
believers. The islam had lost almost it's entire following after
the 'sons of the dessert', that consisted mostly out of Islam
religious fanatics, bombed almost the entire surface of the earth.
Earth religion consisted mostly out of followers of Christ in that
( A religious figure that was said to be born in the year 0 )
These religions, that followed the writings of a holy script
called the bible where lead by priests that tried to spread their
fate through the entire population.
After the Earth-korhonen conflict though many followers lost their
fate. What remained was a small group of fanatics that refused to
give up their believes. As their numbers where swindling fast the
protestant and katholic wings, each with their own interpretation of
the holy script, decided to join forces.
This new group called themselves the 'followers of the true path'.
Contact was made with the orion mapping company and an isolated
planet in a small solar system was bought by them.
Deep in the territory of the Union of independant worlds they
started colonisation of their new home.
Strict religious rules where set up concerning life and overal
behaviour of the new colonists as they first set foot on their
new home. It didn't take them long to addapt themselves to their
new surroundings. Contact with the outside world was avoided as much
as possible as they refused to let outside influences disturb their
harmony. Technology's like spacetravel where forbidden to the common
people and only specially trained priests or monks where allowed
to leave their planet to either trade or function as ambassador's of their
The population seemed perfectly happy with this solution and their numbers
quickly grew. They started colonizing the other planets in their system
and terraforming equipment was rented from the orion mapping company.
Stil spacetravel was forbidden to most people, although colonists where
allowed to travel to the newly colonised planets.
At present day the followes of the true path have colonised almost their
entire solar system, but they refuse to leave it and expand their borders.
Representatives in the form of traders or priests cross the galaxy in
search of new followers or goods for trade.
The followers of the true path are considered harmless religious fanatics by most races. And this opinion seems to be correct. Their are no reports of any of their ships attacking another ship without reason, except out of self defense. On the other hand there are some reports that state that they attacked ships that refused to leave their space when requested.