I'm sure you'll agree, Vulcan Software have been a bit quite of late. So to go along with the news of there new game, I thought it was time that we had a small update on the Vulcan future releases.
The biggest news is that Strangers, the multi-player beat-em-up is due for a CD only release on August 18th. This game has gone through many delays but it nows look like it's release is imminent. I will bring you confirmation on this release date when I get it.
Another title that has been slightly delayed it Final Odyssey. I have received news that is game is now going through final testing and the game is set for a floppy disk release sometime towards the end of August.
Uropa², an excellent game which is being written by Austex Software is also due for release quite soon. A lot of work has been done in the game since its Shareware release earlier in the year and the game is now looking much better. As well as many other things the game now includes digital speech. Expect the game to be release on CD-ROM only on the 1st of September.
Other things from Vulcan include the excellent news that Software First, Islona and Wierd Science are now all stocking the Vulcan range of games.