Amiga Flame - News - Amiga Flame Back From Holiday

Amiga Flame Back From Holiday

In case you are wondering why their has been a lack of News, that is because I have been away for the the last 11 days between the 15th and 25th of August. This of course led to less News which I will correct through the week and reply to the E-mails I received during this time.

My holiday brought me through many parts of Europe and so I had the opportunity to look at some foreign Amiga Magazines. It seems clear that in every country such as Belgium, France and Germany that their remains than Amiga presence that can not be broken.

It gave me a time to think about the future of the Amiga, a future which is increasingly looking brighter. The Games Market is strong, developments are increasing and support from users continues to be great.

I know that some people are worried at no news from Amiga International, but for a fact I have learned that there is much going on between the scenes which can not be revealed.

The future is bright and let us enjoy the rest of 1997, the year that gaming took a new form with the advent of CD titles creating mindblowing games.


E-mail - philip (@)

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