Amiga Flame - News - Guildhall Leisure Go CD

Guildhall Leisure Go CD

Guildhall Leisure are now set to release CD-Rom games through high street outlets, GAME and Electronics Boutique.

This is a big step for the Amiga Games Market and will hopefully persuade other outlets to take Amiga games.

Guildhall Leisure plan to bring new games including Gloom 3 which contains new huge levels and Street Racer. Old games set for CD release for the first time include Civilisation, Theme Park and plenty more.

For the shops to see that Amiga CD-Roms are viable, they need to see good sales. At the end of August it is believed they will be looking at the Amiga CD sales and so it is up to us to go down to GAME or Electronics Boutique and buy one CD title. If all Amiga Owners in the UK do this we can have a great success leading to more new and old CD-Rom games coming into the shops.


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