About the POV-Ray GUI

The 'official' POV-Ray 3.x GUI requires MUI 3.x in order to run. POV-Ray itself does not.

I'm not entirely satisfied with the GUI as it stands. It being my first MUI application, it took entirely too long to write, and has too many kludges and 'quick-fixes' in it. (see Future plans)

I plan to release corrections and updates of the GUI independantly of the main POV-Ray distribution, which will also contain the latest stable version of the GUI. Look for "POV3GUI.LHA" at the same location as the full Amiga POV-Ray release: if it is newer than the latest full release version it will be noted there.

Officially, Amiga POV-Ray is currently sync'ed with the full generic POV-Ray sources, version 3.02. The Amiga release is at 3.02c, due to interim releases with bugfixes and new Amiga-specific features. The Amiga GUI is numbered seperately, since it is actually an independant application. The current (second) release is 2.00.