The bottom portion of the main GUI window is where the message streams from POV-Ray are displayed as it works. If you resize the GUI too small, the streams are hidden. Resize larger again, and the streams display is restored. You can scroll up and down through the messages, even from prior renders. Press the vertical "clear' button on the left to clear the messages.
When rendering, you can select "Hide Main" on the render status window to close the main GUI window.
"Pause" will pause a render mid-stream, then continue without restarting POV-Ray. Useful if you desperately need CPU time elsewhere. "Stop Render" also works while paused.
"Render", when a project is already rendering, will open the RenderQueue
window, building a list of projects to render in sequence. This window allows
you to reorder the list of projects, delete from the list, and stop the current
render in progrss.
'park' the mouse cursor over any gadget for MUI's ShortHelp bubbles.
Save Default/Load Default menus save or load all settings using MUI's MUIM_Application_Load/Save feature, storing them in MUI's ENV directory. These settings are loaded automatically on startup.
Save menu calls a file requester and saves current settings as a standard .INI file.
Load menu option, to load an .ini file into the GUI, is still not supported. (complain if you want, I've been kind of busy. 8^)
Automatic Naming. If selected, (prefs) the
output filename will be automatically constructed for you, from the path currenty in the output name,
the basename of the scenefile to be rendered, and the output filetype. Any changes to the input filename
or the output format automatically update the ouutput name until this feature is disabled.