New Features for the V3.02c release, December 1997

POV-Ray itself:

Datatype image loading! Use imagetype "SYS" to tell POV-Ray to load an image with picture.datatype. For some reason (I've yet to track down) PNG datatype delivers a black image. Just use imagetype 'PNG' instead of 'SYS' to avoid this problem for now.

Generous speed increases. Thanks to several factors, and to SAS Institute (and Steve Krueger, SAS/C developer) for their unheard-of $10 SAS/C deal, POV-Ray renders 20%-35% faster now!

Picasso96 display routines have been rewritten. If the ENV variable POVDISPLAYSCREEN is set, it is used to attempt opening of a Picasso96 PIP window on the named public screen. If the screen is not found (or the variable contains nonsense 8^) then POV-Ray will open a PIP window on the default public screen. Picasso96 display UNTESTED

EHB, Greyscale, and HAM displays all now use BestModeID() to allow Intuition to select the displaymode best suited to the image to display. For example, if you specify HAM8, you may get a 320x200 or a 1200x400 HAM screen, depending on the imagesize. HAM Not yet functional - sorry


Fully localized! English is the default language, and a catalog is currently included for Italian. As other catalogs become available, they will be on the POVAmiga homepage.

Multiple Sequential Renders! If you change the settings and press 'Render' again while POV-Ray is already rendering, the RenderQueue window appears. This lists any pending renders, and allows you to reorder, remove, or interrupt the current trace.

Help bubbles exists for every button, (including it's label) and they are localized.

Automatic filenaming can be selected on the Prefs window. If selected, the path already in the Output filename field will be retained, but the root name will always be changed when the scenefile name is changed, and the extension will be changed to match the selected imagefile format.

Edit Scenefile menu item will launch the editor selected in Prefs to edit the scenefile. If no editor is selected, it will check the standard ENV: variable EDITOR.

If no POV-Ray Binary is selected in prefs, POVRAY3:POVRAY is used.