Currently, the POV-Ray *AMIGA* development team consists of Joel NewKirk and Redaelli Paolo, and Peter Drapich handling specifically PowerPC development.
Credits and Thanks

Thanks go to: Frank Hoffmann for the modular construction of the display system, Lars Hecking for help getting GCC to compile this beast (roughly 200 files Now compiled with SAS/C), Steve Krueger for continuing to support and update SAS/C (including PowerPC!), John Corigliano for MUI advice, and Redaelli Paolo for extensive assistance in nearly all areas.

Thanks also go to the Beta testers: First wave:

Second wave:

Very special thanks to my wife Trisha for tolerating the long late-night hours I put in making this all come together, and to my (now) 3 year old son Donald for all his assistance at the keyboard.

The Amiga version of POV-Ray 3.0 is dedicated to Jay Miner, who encouraged me several years ago to push the Amiga's graphical limits, and to Rich Ragosa, who gave me his copy of K&R's "The C Programming Language" several years ago. You are both missed.