====================================================================== A M I B E E - R E G I S T R A T I O N F O R M ====================================================================== SEND TO: Lobsang Alvites Szaler (or) Gabriela Szaler Jr. Caracas 2363 Via Gorghi 132 Lima 11 - Lima 45020 - Canda Peru Rovigo, Italy I want to register to your game and receive updates as quick as they will be released. I enclosed 10 US$ (or nowadays rate of exchange): (please state the amount sent) ___ US Dollars ___ Britisch Pounds ___ German Marks ___ Italian Lire PLEASE, FILL IN THE FOLLOWING LINES USING CAPITAL LETTERS: Real Name: _____________________________________________ Handle: _____________________________________________ Address: _____________________________________________ City: _______________ Country: _________________ Internet E-Mail: _____________________________________________ Amiga owned: _______________ Kickstart: _________________ Processor Type: _______________ Fast Ram: _________________ Other Hardware: _____________________________________________ WHICH VERSION OF AMIBEE DO YOU ALREADY OWN?: ____________________ WHERE SHOULD I SEND FUTURE RELEASES OF AMIBEE ? [ ] To Your E-Mail [ ] To Your Postal Address RATE THE FOLLOWING FEATURES OF AMIBEE (1=VERY POOR / 10=VERY GOOD) Graphics: ___ Music: ___ Sound FX: ___ Fun: ___ Playability: ___ Difficulty (easy/okay/hard): ____________ Overall Rating: ___ Suggestions, comments, ideas, bug reports, ... : _____________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________