[COMMENT] This sample tagline file is a small part of the archive [COMMENT] TMTags.lha which contains almost 700kb of taglines, [COMMENT] categorised and ready for use in Tag-o-Miga. Consult [COMMENT] Tag-o-Miga's documentation if you want to know where you [COMMENT] can download it. Q. What do you get if you cross a pig with an Elephant? A. Large Pork Chops. %% Q. What do you call a man with beef, gravy and vegetables on his head? A. Stu %% Q. What do you get if you cross a hen with a tongue and a hand? A. Finger lickin' Chicken. %% Q. What do you get if you cross a chicken with a banjo? A. Self plucking chicken. %% Q. How do know when you're eating rabbit stew? A. When it's got hares in it. %% Q. What do you get if you cross a football team with an ice cream? A. Aston Vanilla. %% I was walking down the street and I met a man who said he hadn't had a bite in three days, so I bit him. %% Q. Who makes the best ice cream in the bible? A. Walls of Jericho. %% Q. Who makes the second best ice cream in the bible? A. Lyons of Judea. %% Teacher: If I cut two bananas and two apples into ten pieces each what will I get? Pupil: Erm..a fruit salad? %% "Waiter, is there custard on the menu?" "No, sir, I wiped it off." %% Q. What's yellow and highly dangerous? A. A canary with a machine gun. %% Q. What's yellow and highly dangerous? A. A bunch of angry bananas. %% Q. What's yellow and highly dangerous? A. Shark infested custard. %% Q. What's yellow and highly dangerous? A. An Eggs-ocet missile. %% Q. What's yellow and highly dangerous? A. Chop Sueycide. %% Q. What's red and highly dangerous? A. Shark infested tomato soup. %% Q. What's purple and highly dangerous? A. Shark infested Ribena. %% Q. What's big, purple and lies in the sea? A. Grape Britain. %% Q. What lies at the bottom of the sea and shivers? A. A nervous wreck %% Q. What's purple and swings through the trees? A. Tarzan of the grapes. %% Q. What's white and fluffy and swings from cake-shop to cake-shop? A. A meringue-utang. %% Q. What sits in the fruit bowl and cries for help? A. A damson in distress. %% Q. What are baby witches called? A. Halloweenies. %% Q. What is written on the grave of Frankenstein's monster? A. Rust in peace. %% Q. What do you call a clever monster? A. Frank Einstein. %% Q. Who led hordes of fighting covent girls? A. Attila the Nun. %% Q. Where can you find aubergines, potatoes, broccoli and swedes, no matter what time of year it is? A. In the dictionary. %% Q. What do you get if you cross a chicken with a kangaroo? A. Pouched Eggs. %% Q. Who led 10,000 pigs up a hill and back down again? A. The Grand Old Duke of Pork. %% Q. What did one strawberry say to the other strawberry? A. Between you & me, we shouldn't be in this jam. %% Q. What is the difference between a duck? A. One of it's legs is exactly the same. %% Q. What are you if you have blancmange in one ear and jelly in the other? A. A trifle deaf. %% Q. What is green & wobbly & hangs from trees? A. Giraffe snot. %% Q. What is big & hairy & flies at mach 2? A. King Kongcorde. %% Q. What do you get if you cross an Elephant with a canary? A. A very messy cage. %% Q. What is Green and Fast? A. Sonic the Hedge.