REM Octet Purge by Simon N Goodwin, December 1997. First release, version 1.0. WHAT? A program to scan a MIME mail file and remove all octet-stream binary encoded data sections. REQUIREMENTS Requires ASL library. Uses 15 point Helvetica.font if it's available. WHY? Written to keep the size of archived YAM mail manageable, on the basis that binary contents ought to be archived somewhere else already. HOW? Start from Workbench by clicking on the icon. Select a file to be scanned or CANCEL to quit. Repeat selection for each file to be purged. Input file is not modified. A new file on the same path with the suffix ".purged" is created containing the original contents except with the 'application octet-stream' data sections replaced with the text: **** Octet stream deleted from archive. KNOWN BUGS No check that the output file name is valid. No diagnostics if the input file is malformed. STATUS Freely distributable; you must include source. AUTHOR Simon N Goodwin, CREDITS I am grateful to the following people for their help: Ben Vost of Amiga Format for introducing me to YAM. Marcel Beck for writing YAM and providing it for free. Peter Corlett for configuring AdMail and YAM for me.