Hello C64-Freaks ! Thank you for your interrest in my little story... It's a long time ago that I composed sounds for the good old C64. But all I remember is that it was a very great time with much fun. My composing started in the years 1983/84 when i programmed my own music-editor and the music-play-routine. I made an extra-routine for each sound. From music to music i changed that routine to get different sounds. I have made some musics, good and bad sounds. But I have tried to make people happy with listening to my music. If you want to listen to newer sounds, just visit my homepage at http://www.castrop-rauxel.netsurf.de/homepages/michael.winterberg/index.html You can download all midis for free, because its freeware. Good luck for your future ! Best regards Michael Winterberg