Amiga Web Network
Member of the Amiga Web Network.

The Lair! - Banner

Launched onto an unsuspecting Internet on: 10th December, 1996. Second Coming on: 20th September 1997

Attention Webmasters!

- for personal mail
- for submissions/contributions and the "Letters" and Problems pages
- The Webmaster, for comments/suggestions on web design/style

The Lair! is aimed towards the Amiga computer-platform and the features within will reflect this.
This publication is intended to be a source of news and commentary on Amiga and Internet issues.

Each issue is released on (or around) the 20th of the month.

Produced using a 33Mhz 030 1200 with 4 megs of Fast Ram, and a 170 Mb HD. The HTML is entirely hand-coded as well.
The Lair! - Written and coded by Obscure Reference (aka Chris Hanretty), architect in cyber-space.

Created with Amiga
Motorola's Logo
Hand-crafted HTML
Intel Outside!

The Lair! supports the "Free Speech On The Net" initiative!

Copyright, ©1996-1997 The Digital Word Company Limited Registered No. 3416629.