WRECKAGE QUICKGUIDE ------------------- An experimental driving game by Christos Dimitrakakis (aka Olethros) email: olethros@geocities.com http://esewww.essex.ac.uk/~cdimita/ RUNNING THE GAME ---------------- Just click on the Wreckage Icon If the game crashes, make sure that the SFX directory is in the same directory as the game and that the SFX are in place. If it still doesn't work, make sure you are running workbench in a resolution that is at least 640x256 (so, NTSC HIRES wont do) If it still doesn't work, contact me. ANALOG JOYSTICK --------------- Note that if you want to use an analog joystick, the only way to calibrate it at the moment is to use an external program called AnJoyPrefs.lha - get it from Aminet. GAME CONTROL ------------- ESC - QUIT GAME (during a race) R - Race Replay (exit replay using any mouse button) Q - Start a new Race PLEASE DO READ THE ACCOMPANYING DOCS