DokkeNou Wouter van Oortmerssen sept '94 Marvelous Introduction ====================== Dokkenou is a tool that enables you to write plain text documents with certain 'style'-guidelines, and then later convert it to a beautifully typesetted TeX document automatically. If you don't know what TeX is, this utility is of little use to you. even better subsection ---------------------- As an example, this document is written in dokkenou-style. If you translate this with dokkenou from .txt to .tex, you'll see what each feature does: > 1> dokkenou dokkenou.txt the result will be a `dokkenou.tex', which can be translated to .dvi the usual way. Commandline options: > TEXT/A,TEXFILE,TABWIDTH/K/N,STYLE,A4/S,A4COL/S: If `TEXFILE' isn't given, dokkenou automatically replaces the .txt in `TEXT' into .tex. `TABWIDTH' is important, since dokkenou has to calculate indents for itemize etc. default is 8. With `STYLE' you can set the TeX `\documentstyle', and with `A4' and `A4COL' you can set page-size to A4 (with or without columns). features of dokkenou ******************** * auto-line layout a la TeX, paragraph splits by two linefeeds, heavy splits by more than two linefeeds. * itemize, as demonstated by this feature list. also nested: - even nested * sub-nested * no big deal - if indented more than encapsulating itemize, and starting with `*' or `-' in toggle-mode - itemize automatically ends if text follows with lower indentation level. * chapters, sections and subsections underlined with `=====', `-----' and `*****' as shown by this text * verbatim for blocks of text, and inline `verbatim' > for n=1 to 10 > print n > end * footnotes: A gnu [a wonderful african animal] * _emphasized_ and *bold* * usage of TeX special chars without problems: # $ % & ~ _ ^ { } * title/author/date (3 lines, see top of this text)