VideoMaxe Release 04.46. Minor update release from release 04.45. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- (440) This version has a severe suggestion bug fixed, improves printing and introduces a german documentation and online help. Many minor improvements. Sorry that I had to change two file formats again, but I hope I have been far-sighted enough to prevent this in future. However, I hope you won't find it difficult to update the old files with the Installer script. (441) Another exotic suggestion bug fixed, added new mask entry type "set", more comfortable info text adjustments, some minor new features. (442) Same as (unpublished) release 04.41, but a bug fixed that would hinder VideoMaxe to start up when using the asl library 37- ("mem err"). (443) Better layout and a new priority flag for the suggestion system. (444) Again I managed to include a bug...:)...the title view strings would be messed up on certain machines (not on mine, hehe). This should be fixed now - sorry. Some minor changes. (445) Many minor enhancements. Added link and more mask entry types. (446) Only fixed an embarrassing bug in the mask entry list window... Enjoy! -Stephan, WO, 24 May 1995. ########################################################################### UPDATED FILE FORMAT CHANGES LIST From Version(s) To Version(s) File types changed --------------------------------------------------------------------------- 03.XX 04.00-04.20 all types 04.00-04.20 04.30-04.33 all types except layout preferences files 04.30-04.33 04.40 video recorder and project files --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Changes that do not interfere with loading old files with the new version (but vice versa) are not mentioned here. ###########################################################################