Registered version price is:
Lire 35.000 - DM 35 - FR 120 - US$ 35 - UKP 15
This is the price if you are able to receive reg. version by e-mail, otherwise, if you want to get DOOPSI-GS by snail mail, add:
Lire 3.000 - DM 3 - FR 10 - US$ 3 - UKP 2
Warning! By snail mail you will not receive any upgrade, unless you send us:
Lire 10.000 - DM 10 - FR 35 - US$ 10 - UKP 5
For the THREE next upgrades, how contribuition for postal costs.
Naturally, this is how much have to get to us for your registration. Personally, we prefer payments in Italian Lire or US$ (US dollars).
You can use any kind of payment, but remeber that until we not receive the money, no registered version will be sent.
Remeber also that is your task to ensure that money gets us without any problem and that we do not have to charge any cost (excluding money changing fee) that may rise. If the money you sent is not enought, you'll have to send the rest before you get the reg. version of DOOPSI. The address where to send money is the following:
Fabio Rotondo Vercelli 9 28100 Novara ITALY Tel: (ITA) - (0)321 - 459676 (casa) (ITA) - (0)2 - 38086520 (ufficio) e-mail:
Here is a list of what'll get with the complete version of DOOPSI-GS
Max Number of Scenes: 200 (3) Max Number of Objects: 500 (30) Max Number of Dialogs: 100 (5) Max Number of Lines in every Dialog: 12 (3)