Path Editor


Path Editor helps adventure creator to develope paths on which players will move. Paths creation is probably one of the more complex things and requires some attention. The path created upon a scene will limit players' movements during the game. This must take the creator to an accurate planning for the creation of the path.


Path is structured in nodes, stop units. Every node can have some special features that allows better control of player's movements in the scene, but we'll talk later about these features. Every node has some branches (max. 7 per every branch) that allow links with other nodes. Path sets, using nodes, player's freedom of movements. A path is so build up by nodes, linked each other with branches, so to create a sort of web. Player's movements on the scene will apply on this web, as nodes and branches were a sort of "invisible railroad" on which player will move.

Warning: player's movements on a scene are binded absolutely to the scene. It is not possible in any way to allow player to move somewhere else than path's extension. If you'll ask to the player to reach a point out of path's limits, the player will reach the nearest point to the one selected.

This aspect of the path could be seen as a limit, but it is one of the greatest features, which will allow a great flexibility in game-designing: for example, it is possible to create a scene that encloses more paths and to forbid certain areas until a particular condition happens.

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