The second auction I have attended was on November 29th in Pennasuken NJ.I counted about 196 Video machines and 96 pinball’s. I did my best to get as many of the hammer prices as I could. All in All I had a good day. Bought some boards a Tron and a Missile Command that looks real nice! There was a good looking Zaxxon there too but I ran into a friend at the auction and donated some of my trailer space to him because he bought more then he could take home so I had to leave the Zaxxon to someone else. The good news is my friend was so grateful for helping him out he gave me a Space Invaders cocktail table. Anyone got some NOS overlays? Pictures from the auction loading below -=Mark=- Cocktails: Arkanoid (No Power Missing 1 cp) $75 Asteroids Deluxe $310 Birdie King $75 Donkey Kong (Nice Shape!) $345 Final Fight $85 Ms. Pacman $450 Ms. Pacman (with Speed up chip) $525 Ms. Pacman (Not working) $410 Ms. Pacman (In a PacMan case) $475 Rygar $230 Triva Wiz (parts machine) $15 Triva Wiz (Monitor problems) $120 Winners Circle $125 Yer Kung Fu $100 Uprights: 1942 Missed price Altered Beast $20 Arkanoid (Real ratty kit) $150 Arkanoid (Monitor problems) $50 Asteroids $250 Bad Dudes $80 Bad Dudes $70 Capcom Bowling (Ratty case, Monitor problems) $65 Centipede $200 Centipede (Millipede Overlay) $375 Champion Baseball $10 Commando $15 Crime Fighters (Dedicated No Power) $55 Crime Fighters $50 Devastator $35 Donkey Kong $225 Double Dragon 2 (Kit) $50 Final Fight $45 Golden Axe (would not power up) $25 Guantlet $400 GunSmoke (No Power) $10 Gyrus $50 Hang On $210 Heavy Barrel $30 Hydra $180 Kageki $15 Karate Champ (Dedicated) Missed price Knuckle Batch (2 monitors, 1 working) $15 Krull $25 Krull $25 (Buyback) Lemans $80 Magic Sword (crappie cabinet) $15 Magic Sword (much nicer) $75 Magic Sword $70 Mini Golf $70 Mortal Kombat $20 Ms Pac Man (in Pac Mania case) $325 Narc (Dedicated) $50 Neo Geo (4 slot ?) $500 PacMan $340 Pac Land (In the worst cab. in the world) $250 Pengo $200 Perfect Billiards $35 Pig Skin (Nice) $175 PlayChoice 10 (2 monitor) $55 Play Choice 10 Missed price JR. PacMan (In Pac man cab.) $310 Ring King $20 Robo Cop $50 Rush’N Attack $30 Space Invades $475 Spy Hunter $60 Spy Hunter Missed price Street Fighter $25 Street Fighter 2 $110 Street Fighter 2 $40 Street Fighter 2 Champion $35 Street Smart $45 Super Contra (Nice case, Video Problems) Missed price Super Contra $50 Super Mario Brothers $90 Super Mario Brothers $75 Tetris $150 Time Soldiers $15 Track & Field $35 Tron (yet another Tron for my collection) $110 Turbo $130 Video Pinball (Not Working) $10 Vigilante (in kangaroo cab.) $15 Vigilante $25 Virtual Fighter $550 Wheel of Fortune $30 World Rally (In OutRun cabinet) $430 Xybots $35 Zaxxon (nice, Bided for this but backed out) $230
Rows of Machines ready for sale
More Machines... Would someone turn on the lights!
Lots of good cocktail tables this time!