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Amiga Forever

The Amiga Forever emulator promised by Cloanto is nothing more than a souped up version of UAE with Amiga ROM's and bundled software packages. The latest public beta of WinUAE (UAE for Windows) has this version information:

	UAE for Win32/DirectX
Public Beta 4 - UAE 0.6.9 020/881 Release 13 - Public Beta 4

	Big Powered By Amiga Logo

Copyright 1997 Cloanto - "Amiga Forever" Compilation

Cloanto		|Contributors Button|	Amiga, Inc.
UAE		Picasso96		WinUAE

The Official UAE Discussion Board currently has a thread "Commercial Amiga Emulator" and under this Brian King and Mathew Battilana both of Cloanto had this to say:

Not actually a new emulator. Just UAE. And UAE isn't *really* the
product, since it will still remain publically and freely available. The
product is more just the combination of UAE versions, AmigaOS versions,
and Kickstart ROM-images,(ROM+WB 1.0, 1.1, 1.2, 1.3, 2.0, 2.04, 2.1 and
3.0 ,all with minor changes) plus some utilities and games and Cloanto
Software, all on one convenient CD. 

It is thought that once the Picasso96 driver and AHI drivers have been fully completed UAE will benefit from a massive speed improvement and make it useable on any decent PC system (P166+). And as previously stated Cloanto will be adding networking features and presumably serial and parallel port support making it an almost complete Amiga more than useable on a high end PC system.

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