Real 3D's primary form of modeling is based on mathematically generated surfaces. There are several advantages to this. No matter what level of zoom you use when viewing the surface, it retains a perfect curvature. What this means is that a spline sphere of only 36 points will maintain a perfect spherical shape no matter what distance it is viewed from, if you use polygons you must first determine the 'quality' level and create the sphere using a predetermined amount of points.

Compared with a simple polygon sphere, that is not intended for close ups, the point count ranges between 500-3000 points, if you intend to zoom into a detailed shot the point count can go up quite dramatically. This point count difference by itself makes a huge difference in your scene complexity versus memory available abilities. Also, the adjustable detail level ability is removed once converted to polygons because the mathematical basis of the surface has been removed, it then becomes a function of the size of polygons used to recreate the surface.

Real 3D renders each spline as if it was converted to polygons that were the size of a single pixel in the final scene, I'd rather not think of the memory requirements that would be required to create an actual polygon model of that quality level!





Full CSG modeling system. CSG, otherwise known as Constructive Solid Geometry, uses another form of mathematical surfaces. The use of truly solid objects instead of just a surface allows you to use error free boolean functions between objects, at the same time these objects are mathematical so there are no polygon silhouette edges to worry about when zooming in. This sort of object renders very fast since it is based on more simplified shapes such as cubes, spheres, cylinders and other common geometries.






If you just can't live without polygons Real supports import and export of polygonal objects so you can use objects from other packages in Real or export a highly detailed spline model as a polygon object. A good portion of the spline modeling tools will work on polygon models and you can animate them much the same as any other object in Real.





Real 3D supplies many functions that allow you to work faster and more efficiently with all of the supported model types. The functions range from possitioning tools to full color image backgrounds behind the wireframe. 





The rendering engine provided with Real 3D is a full distributed ray tracer that allows for incredible output quality. The abilities of the system include area light sources that cast soft shadows, depth of field that does not slow the renderer and full reflection and refraction effects with volumetric sampling abilities. 





The animation system in Real 3D is one of the most advanced systems available on any platform. Real 3D has over 20 methods of animation, many packages are just now adding features that Real 3D has had for over 3 years such as skeletons and Inverse Kinematics.









The programing language included with Real 3D is a full featured and high powered compiled language, not a simple scripting system add on. The language, called RPL for short, is capable of running the entire program from animation and object creation tools to rendering and material controls. If Real doesn't contain an animation method that fits your needs, you can write one, if you need a custom modeling tool, again, you can write one. The language is quick executing and small in size while providing amazing power that is always available to the user because of it's complete integration with the program.




* Items new in V3.


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