
History of Amiga Events


October 11. October 97: Australian Amiga Gathering, Melbourne

We (Enigma Amiga Run) are pleased to present a new Amiga-Only oriented show in Italy: It's called "PIANETA AMIGA" and we hare very happy to support it.
News Source: http://www.skylink.it/ear

NonSoLoSoft (the Italian distributor of Haage & Partner) will be at Italian WOA in Florance to introduce ArtEffect 2.1 in a full Italian version. There customers will be able to interact with H&P directly to discover any tricks on the products. At WOA Jürgen Haage and Michael Rock will do demostrations all days.

8. - 14. Sep.: AMIGA-BIT (findet nicht statt!!!)
Vereinsmesse der AMIGA User Group in der "SAAR-GALERIE", Saarbruecken, Deutschland

August 21st - 24th California Computer Expo
San Diego, California, USA

19. July   PowerPC Convention in Montreal, CA

On the 19th of July, in Montreal, the first annual PowerPC Convention will take place! This convention will gather the PPC community together from all across the world to show its support for the various PowerPC platforms - The BeBox, PIOS/1, A/Box, Amiga/PowerUP, PowerMacs & Clones, IBM and Motorola...

Please have a lot at: http://www.moebius.qc.ca/PowerCon97/
28.+29. June   Australian Amiga Gazette Show in Sydney

AAG is a forty page magazine devoted to the Amiga. We are a monthly publication which is distributed throughout Australia. Currently our magazine is sold over the counter at all Amiga dealers or via subscription.

Since our first issue in December of '96 response to our magazine has been good. Due to this we have decided to show further support for the Amiga in Australia by hosting an Amiga expo.

The show will be a two day event to be held on the 28th and 29th of June of this year. The location will be Sydney showground. A well known place which has been the location of the Royal Easter Show for over a hundred years.

Our show will feature dealers, distributers, demo competitions and a Amiga User Group conference.

Contact: Michael Gruber at mgruber@fl.net.au

Australian Amiga Gazette: www.pnc.com.au/~mother/AAG.html (for details)

Western District Amiga User Group (Penrith, Oz) / www.pnc.com.au/~mother/amigauser.html
Some impressions of the summer fest of Magnamedia, the publisher of German Amiga Magazine.

The Fest was in the "Reiterhalle" in Munich (left).
Leo Burkert of German Amiga Magazine (right)

Rene Beaupoil and Leo Burkert (left).
Markus Nerding and David Göhler (right).

Mr. Petro Tyschtschenko, Jürgen Haage (not seen on this picture, because he is the photograph) and Markus Nerding are talking about the one and only Amiga.

17.-18. May   World of Amiga in UK

Location: Novotel Exhibition Centre, Hammersmith, London
Organisation: World of Amiga Ltd., AITEC House, Tel: +44 (0) 161-477 7151
25.-27. April   Amiga Show in Scandinavia

For more information have a look at the homepage of AmiTech.
19.-20. April   Magische Tage Trier (MTT) in Germany

For more information have a look at the homeapge of MTT

We will show
StormC PPC, StormC p.OS, DrawStudio and ArtEffect 2.0. There will also be a workshop about writing programs for PowerUP PPC and p.OS. Mr. Tyschtschenko will also attend this meeting on Saturday.
Germany   Some pictures of Amiga Mazed II Meeting in Germany

Mr Tyschtschenko, now head of new Amiga International attended the meeting to talk to Amiga people.

Jochen Becher and Jürgen Haage presented the new PowerPC development system, based on StormC.

Eagle Computer presented their Siamese system.


  5.-6. April 97: AUGS Meeting in Zofingen (Switzerland)

More information can be found on the AUGS Homepage.

4.-6. April 97 : Amiga-Mazed II in Heilbronn (Germany)

For more information have a look at the homepage of Computer Club 86 e.V.

15.-16. March 97: Amiga 97 in St. Louis (US)

For more information have a look at the homepage of Gateway.


(Amiga Fest)

Amiga Fest in Toronto (Canada)

More than 5.000 visitors attended Amgia Fest in Toronto (29.Nov.-1.Dec.) what made the show a great success. Companies like Phase 5 (CyberStorm 060, PPC boards), QuikPak (A4000T), Silent Paw Productions (Amiga portable), Anti Grafity (Siamese), NewTek (VideoToaster, Flyer), Asimware (AsimCDFS, Autio Thunder), Holger Kruse (MIAMI), AmiTrix (AWebII), Nova (ImageFX), Media Innovations (Scala), Aurora Works, ClickBoom! (Capital Punishment), Comspec (A4000T), Haage & Partner (StormC 2.0, StormWIZARD, ArtEffect, drawSTUDIO). Canadian dealers and distributors like Amazing Software, Randomize, National Amiga etc were also at the show.

For more information have a look at the homepage of AMAZING SOFTWARE or RANDOMIZE.

Here are some pictures, taken with a digital camera.

Wolf Dietrich of Phase5 (left) and Markus Nerding of Haage & Partner (right).

The booth of Amazing Software (left), demonstration of PPC board by Britta of P5.

Boot of National Amiga (right).

Booth of Phase 5 (left), ASIM (right), Quikpak and National (below)

(IPISA 96)
  IPISA 96 Meeting (Italy)

More than 400 Italian developers and fans visited the IPISA Meeting this years (30. Nov.96). Besides many interessting reports, HAAGE & PARTNER presented StormC 2.0 and StormC-PPC (beta version). Mr. Haage was also the official speaker for PPC boards and A/Box project of Phase5 and new operating system p-OS from ProDAD.

    COMPUTER 96 in Germany

The COMPUTER 96 / AMIGA 96 (15.-17. Nov.96) is the biggest Amiga Show in the World. As every year it is in Cologne, Germany and nearly every Amiga Company will be present, as well as more than 50.000 Amiga enthusiasts ... More information about COMPUTER 96.
    Amiga Show '96 in France

The Amiga Show '96, organized by DeltaGraph'X, CORSAIRE Production and
FUGAmiga (9. and 10. Nov.96) at l'espace, Rene Fallait, 91560 Crosne, France (Paris).
(Magische Tage)
  Magische Tage 96 in Trier (Germany)

The organizer Mr. Bielstein.

Left: Angela Schmidt. Right: Dr. Peter Kittels (PIOS) presented the BeBox

The companies that attended the show (from left to right): Mr. Konjevic (Eagle Computer), Mr. Huber (proDAD), Carsten Schlote (Phase 5), Mr. Haage (HAAGE & PARTNER), Alexander Knecht (AmTrade), Dr. Peter Kittel (PIOS), Mr. Bielstein (organizer) and some guys of the Amiga User Group Trier.

More information about "The Magic Days of Trier".

Toulouse 96   Toulouse 96 - VisCorp speaks to the developers

Karl Sassenrath speaks to the audience (left) and to Angela Schmidt (right).

(CeBIT 96)
  CeBIT 96 - Even Dave Haynie was there ...

Dave Haynie in front of the Walker (left) and speaking to Jochen Becher (right).

    StormC 1.05 DEMO on AmigaComputing No. 100

The English Demo version of StormC 1.05 is on the cover disks of AMIGA COMPUTING No. 100, June 96. There is an Englisch and an American version of the magazine and I think it will be available in many countries (Amiga Computing is sold in Germany as well). (Link to Amiga Computing (UK)).

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