
  1. Layer
  2. Brush
  3. Edge finder filter
  4. Negative filter
  5. Dynamic range
  6. Color correction
With Filter you can create nice color effects. But as a advanced user you should know what you wanna do. It is easy to stay hours or even days with this filters. They can keep you busy...

Vegetables 1. Layer: Edge | Negative | Background

Please open the "Gemüse.jpg" from the volume ARTEFFECT:pictures/. Load this picture as brush with "Pic.->". Then create two new layers. The first should be called Edge, the second Negativ and the third should be named already as Background.

Edge finder: Prewitt


Negative filter: Color
2. Layer filter

Activate the layer Edge and open then the Edge finder filter. Change it to Color and Prewitt and execute it. Then change the opacity of this layer to ZERO.
Activate now the layer Negative and open the Negative filter and execute it for color pictures. For the Background it is necessary to improve the brightness with the Dynamic range filter. Change the values to Min.=22 and Max.=174. The overlay problem is, that we get a gray-cover in our picture, we have to deal with. You will get a less contrast of the colors in your picture, depending how much opacity the single layers have. Try it by yourself with layer 2 and 3.
3. Layer reduction

Now copy the third layer per drag & drop onto the second layer with an opacity of 50 for the second layer. We compansate the gray-cover with the Color correction filter, so please open it. Change the values to:
Function Value
Brightness 18
Contrast 104
Gamma -9
Red 13
Green 8
Blue -8

You can also try other values, but this one are acceptable.

4. Overlay

Now to the "Overlay". You have done it before - sure. Only a few minutes ago. Now we have to change the opacity of the first layer to a value between 60 and 80. The only problem left is, that the layer Edge is to dark. We have to lighten it. For this open the Dynamic range filter again and change the values to Min.=0 and Max.=26. Now you can see, that the first layer is much better to see in the picture.

That was it...