Serving the Amiga Community of Maine and Abroad

Ph: (207) 829-3959
Fx: (207) 829-3522

48 Mill Road, Cumberland, Maine 04021 USA

Monday through Friday, 9am to 5pm EST

You can easily place an order on-line (100% secure) by visiting our electronic orderform 24-hours a day! Please remember... you need to have a browser that's SSL capable.

You can also call or FAX us with your order! When you call, ask for Deb or Derek!

We now have pricing on the Cyberstorm PPC board. Hopefully soon, we will have more models from which you can choose from. As well, we have special pricing on 060 processors that are required to use the PowerPC board. Please inquire!

We were just recently made aware of the fact that more game and productivity developers will be porting software to the Amiga's new PowerPC line! With that great news, we will now fully support the sale of the processor.

If there's something you need from this catalog that's not listed, or if you need information about a product, please contact sales so we can help you.