VT - Virus Help Team Denmark [Go back]

VT by Heiner Schneegold

VT Main Program

Newest Update....: VT v3.00
Release date.....: 1997 September 22.
Archive name.....: VT300K.LHA
Archive size.....: 389.764 Bytes (lha packed)
Computer Type....: Amiga with kickstart 1.3 og higher.

this version of VT right now!!

VT Doc Files

Newest Update....: VT v3.00 Doc files.
Release date.....: 1997 September 22.
Archive name.....: VT300DOK.LHA
Archive size.....: 468.666 Bytes (lha packed)

the VT Doc files right now!!

About VT

T H A N K S !! T H A N K S !!

Please mark disk with "Viren" ('viruses')!!! Don't forget to mention your address and telephone number, a little note wouldn't be bad. (Both not necessary, only the VIRUS counts)

I only search for new viruses and crunchers!! the disk will be formatted after copying the virus!. Address and Tel.Nr. is thrown in the trashcan after analysis! (no questions needed then) I always keep my promise!!

Heiner Schneegold - Am Steinert 8 - 97246 Eibelstadt - Germany

Here you van write a E-Mail direct to Heiner Schneegold

Copyright © 1997 - Jan Andersen