Virus_Checker - Virus Help Team Denmark [Go back]

VirusChecker II by Alex van Niel

Newest Update....: VirusChecker II v?.??
Release date.....: Around christmas 1997.
Archive name.....: ?.
Archive size.....: ? Bytes (lha packed).
Computer Type....: Amiga with kickstart 2.0 og higher.

About Virus_Checker II

For about 2 years ago John Veldthuis sold the scource code for VirusChecker to David Dustin. But David never had the time to update VirusChecker. So David did a great thing, he offerd the scource code to Virus Help Team Denmark for free, and we accepted the offer and went out looking for a programmer that could update the new VirusChecker. We found a guy in Holland, that is a member of the new team behind Virus Help Team Holland. The guy is Alex van Niel, and has done a great job with updating VirusChecker. We hope very soon that we will be abel to release a new version of this killer. When it is released the new name will be VirusChecker_II , and we hope for a release date before christmas. But when VirusChecker_II is released it will be found at this site.

Thanx to David Dustin for the code, and to John Veldthuis for support.

Copyright © 1997 - Jan Andersen
Virus Help Team Denmark disclaims any responsibility for software obtained through this site.