0.0.3 ----- - Revised the version numbering, now it's ... Advance in doesn't necessarily mean any new features, nor does it necessarily mean a new release. - Fixed a bug in screen width alignment 0.0.4 ----- - Added sparkling plasma torpedos. - Speeded up 3D calculations. 0.0.5 ----- - Added some HUD elements. - First glimpses of artificial intelligence implemented. 0.0.6 ----- - Reduced size of precalculated sinetable to 8kB (originally 128kB). - Fixed some major bugs in the 3D code. - Added a 'Force small screen' flag to the setup program, allowing 320x200 size screen when using e.g. a 640x480 mode (useful with WinUAE's Picasso emulation where 640x480 is the minimum screensize on offer) 0.0.7 ----- - Replaced all arctan-functions with a precalculated table. - Forced Lambda to always use 320x200 screensize. 0.0.8 ----- - Added navpoint markers to HUD and radar. - Added mission flight paths and a preliminary autopilot. 0.0.9 ----- - Optimized 3D calculations a little bit more. - Added target selection. 0.0.10 ------ - Added an asteroid object.