[7mTrainer Maker 2.1 Copyright © 1994 Frank Otto[0m ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Trainer Maker makes unlimited lives, money, ammunition etc. in games. This demo only works with games with [1m[3mMultitasking[23m[22m. It's even only working in word-format (see later). The complete version works with many games without multitasking, runs in all 3 formats and has a graphical user interface. If you want to see a screenshot of the complete version, please click [1m[3mhere[23m[22m. Trainer Maker replaces the trainer function of freezer-modules (eg Action Replay). You can use the adresses that are printed in some magazines with this program. [1mPlease read the file [1m[3mGCS.readme!![23m[22m, if you want to order the complete version.[22m [1m[3m Manual [23m[22m The Userinterface and the Gadgets [1m[3mDevelopment-history[23m[22m What's new? What was in the older versions? [1m[3m Copyright [23m[22m Please read this [1m[3m Programmer [23m[22m The adress of the programmer [1m[3m Index [23m[22m The Index of this guide ============================================================================ [7mMultitasking[0m ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Multitasking means, that many programms (tasks) run simultaneously. To switch between these programs, are some possibilities: Click the gadget at the top-right position of the screen or press Amiga (left) and M or N. ============================================================================ [7mManual[0m ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- After loading the program, you can use the following options by pressing the leftmouse-button on a gadget: [1mWord[22m With this you can change the [1m[3mnumberformat[23m[22m. The defaultsetting is "Word". [1mFind adress:[22m Loads the "Adressfinder". After the new window appears you can use other options (with keyboard) to find an adress: [1mS (Search):[22m You can enter a number (number of lives, ammunition, money etc, e.g. 20). The program searches in memory for that number and if something was found the memoryarea will be viewed. Elsewhere "too much possibilities!" and the searched memoryarea will be viewed. [1mC (Compare):[22m After searching for a value, switch with multitasking to the game and change the value. E.g. loose a life. Then switch to Adressfinder and enter this command. Now enter the new (modified) value (e.g. 10). Now the value will be compared with the old on and if the memoryarea is the same, one or more adresses will be viewed. If nothing is viewed, nothing was found. [1m[3mB,W,L:[23m[22m Changes to byte, word or longword-format. Default is W (Word). To search for adresses in byte-mode zu suchen, is not very fortunatly, because here are always many or too much possibilities. The Mainprogramm and this one must always be in the same format. [1mQ:[22m Quits the program. With Amiga (links) and A you'll get back to the mainprogram. Back to mainprogram... [1mModify adress:[22m Now you can change the number of lives, money etc. At "Adress:" enter the adress that was found by Adressfinder. At "Value:" you can enter the number you want to have now. If you want to have 2000 lives, enter "2000". The adress will only be modified after clicking the gadget! [1mAbout:[22m Shows some informationen about the program. You'll get back with the OK-gadget. If you want to quit, just click the closegagdet at top-left of screen. [1mStep-by-step[22m 1. Load Trainer Maker. 2. Switch with Amiga (left) + A to Workbench or AmigaDOS and load a game. 3. Switch with Amiga (left) + M to Workbench. 4. Switch with Amiga (left) + A to Trainer Maker. 5. Click "Find adress". 6. Enter "S". 7. Enter the number of lives, money, or that you want to change. 8. Switch with Amiga (left) + M to game. 9. Change the number, you want to change (loose a life). 10. Switch with Amiga (left) + M to Adressfinder. 11. Enter "C". 12. Enter the new number. 13. Remember the adresse/s and switch with Amiga (left)+A to Trainer Maker. 14. Click "Modify adress". 15. Enter the adress. If it are more, try everyone. 16. Enter the new value. If you want to have 10000 lives, enter "10000". 17. Switch to Workbench by pressing Amiga (left) + A. 18. Switch with Amiga (left) + M to game. [3mReady![23m ============================================================================ [7mFAQ[0m ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- [1mHow do I know, if a game works with Trainer Maker?[22m Trainer Maker works with every game, running in Multitasking. There are many other games, running in Multitasking too (because they use some OS- routines), but it's not possible to switch between Workbench and game. Unfortunatly there's no method how to know if that game is such a game, so you have to try. If the game can be loaded by Workbench, it could be such a game. In every case, Trainer Maker doesn't work with games that can only be loaded by Trackloader from disk. (These disks are no dos-disks.) [1mWhat is the reason, if adresses will never be found?[22m Maybe you're in the wrong numberformat. Try other ones and see below. [1mWhich format should be used for games?[22m At most games it is the "Word"-Format. It's better you try everyone if nothing is found. ============================================================================ [7mThe different numberformats[0m ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- [1mByte[22m searches for values until +127 ($7F or 2 hex-digits). [1mWord[22m searches for values until +32665 ($7FFF or 4 hex-digits). [1mLongword[22m searches anything what is higher (until 7fffffff or 8 hex-digits). ============================================================================ [7mDevelopmenthistory[0m ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- [1mV1.0[22m Runnig only with Kick 2.0+. Controlled by keyboard. [1mV1.2[22m Some graphical errors removed, running with Kick 1.3+. [1mV1.5[22m New manual in Amiga Guide format. [1mV2.0[22m New User-Interface, controlling with gadgets. Works with some some games without multitasking. [1mV2.1[22m Intuition-Interface, german and english manual. ============================================================================ [7mUpdates[0m ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- You can always order the latest demoversion for an empty disk and an adressed envelope with stamps or enough money for postage and packing. Of course you can order the latest full program, if you send the original disk and enough money for packing and postage. But please order updates only there where you bought the fullversion. If you bought Trainer Maker or Cheatfinder at me you can update these ones to the Games Cracking Set too. [1mAdresses[22m Frank Otto Grelckstr. 27 22529 Hamburg Germany E-Mail: FRANK@ZINOCAVE.wind.dbn.sub.org oder: APC&TCP Andreas Magerl Dorfstr. 17 83236 Übersee Germany Hotline: 08642/899953 Mailbox High Voltage Port 1: 08642/598919 (TKR 14.400) Port 2: 08642/899952 (ISDN) Port 3: 08642/1336 (Zyxel) Port 4: 08642/6279 (Supra 2400) E-Mail: ANDREAS@HIGHVOLT.gun.de ============================================================================ [7mProgrammer[0m ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Wenn Sie mir per Post schreiben (abgesehen von Bestellungen der Vollversion), legen Sie bitte einen ausreichend frankierten und adressierten Rückumschlag bei. Frank Otto Grelckstraße 27 22529 Hamburg Deutschland E-Mail: FRANK@ZINOCAVE.wind.dbn.sub.org ============================================================================ [7mCopyright[0m ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- This version of "Trainer Maker" is the complete-version. Please don't copy. The demoversion of this program can be copied if it's not modified. If you take the demo on your PD-Disk, you have to send me a copy. It can also be taken on a coverdisk, if I'll know what magazine it is or if I will get one. If you want to distribute this program the commercial way, please contact [1m[3mme[23m[22m. ============================================================================ [7mIndex[0m ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- [1m[3mCopyright[23m[22m [1m[3mDevelopmenthistory[23m[22m [1m[3mFAQ[23m[22m [1m[3mManual[23m[22m [1m[3mMultitasking[23m[22m [1m[3mNumberformat[23m[22m [1m[3mProgrammer[23m[22m [1m[3mUpdates[23m[22m ============================================================================