Link To Us!
Help us to get the message across!
In order for this campaign to work, it needs as much publicity as
possible. By linking to us, you are showing your support for the Amiga's future (and what a future it will be!!).
All you need to do is to put the
Made For KIDS logo on your home pages and insert the following text
into your page:
<A HREF="">
<BR>Made For KiDS</FONT></P>
Please don't link to the logos on this site - it would create a lot of
traffic.Instead, download one of the images shown below and fill in the path to this image
on your site in the text above highlighted in RED. Thank you...
 Small Official Made For KiDS campaign logo.
 Standard Official Made For KiDS campaign logo.

100x40 Web Made For KiDS campaign logo.
The Made For KIDS campaign is brought to you by...
Mystique Corporation - creators of the software CP