Michael Bauer

Michael Bauer joined Vulcan on the 23rd January 1996 with JETPilot. Michael is extremely self motivated and self sufficient in programming, specialising is assembly language he is constantly pushing the boundaries of design to its limit. Being a flight fanatic Michael spent 3 years designing the most realistic flight model we have ever seen. Attention to detail is Michael's strong point combined with a complete and natural understanding of 3D artificial concepts. Currently Michael is working on a 3D world concept for the PC platform which we believe will revolutionise the presentation and interaction of entertainment software.

Jet Pilot Amiga Floppy

    3D Design & Concept
      Michael Bauer
      Michael Bauer
      Richard Whittal
      Paul Carrington
    Sound Fx
      Michael Bauer

Current Project PC CDRom

    Programming & Design
      Michael Bauer
Michael Bauer, 9 Parkwood Road, Bournemouth BH5 2BP England U.K. Michael@wallnutter.demon.co.uk