Security SoldierAn ordinary corporation security soldier wearing a light ergo suit which is capable of resisting a few direct hits. Security soldiers prowl the corridors of the base, gunning down intruders with their .44 pistols and they never stop to ask questions first. Their implants are of a low grade and they are vulnerable to probe attacks. |
Security OfficerHigh rank Security Officers are tougher, quicker and meaner than ordinary soldiers. They wear upgraded ergo suits and carry the .44 automatic gun. Their implants are simplistic to preserve human intelligence and initiative. Important rooms are often only accessible to Security Officers. |
Cyber ScoutThe echelon of the automated defence forces. Hovering a few feet above the ground they are a deadly foe in deserted corridors due to their speed. The little human flesh and brain that remains is hidden within a steel case. Their implants are protected by extra circuitry, making it difficult to take them over without killing them. |
Face HuggerThis genetically engineered creature has no official name. We believe it is a new prototype war-unit escaped from some laboratory, and apparently capable of breeding without artificial support. Being the perfect base invader it is extremely fast and its spitting of acid creates a very dangerous entity. They have no implants but their genetic control mechanisms are very vulnerable to entity take-overs. |
EngineerOtherwise know as the `Dirt Rats`, The Engineers keep the bases running, they wear no armour and their implants are primitive, but simply spotting an intruder is enough to bring them to a blood frenzy. If you get too close, he will try to chop you to pieces with his fire axe, show him mercy and kill him. Engineers are also needed to access some systems. |
CommanderThe commanding officer of the base is the toughest and most dangerous human you will come across. He throws lethal grenades at intruders. Some restricted areas are only accessible by the commander or someone carrying a commander access card. |
ZombieZombies are the victims of evil Genetic experiments. Dragging their rotting limbs along, they are slow but also hard to kill. Silenced guns are not very powerful but zombies will happily keep shooting at you forever. Their implants have difficulty controlling the damaged brains and taking them over is often the easiest way to give them eternal peace. |
Gel ManLittle know information on this abdominal creature but the Gel Man is another genetic creation designed for environments with extreme pressures. |
MantisLittle is know about these creatures. They seem to boast some kind of Psi-weapon. |
MechanoidStrong defensive units carrying lethal flechette guns. 90% of their bodies have been mechanised and armoured to take a phenomenal amount of damage. Their implants are strong, and a PPD attack without stunning will leave them severely damaged. Notice that they are limited to warfare and cannot handle delicate objects such as keycards or small weapons. |
ScientistThe science personnel of the laboratories. They wear no armour and carry weak weapons. Their implants are not designed to repulse a probe attack so they can easily be taken over. Some areas are only accessible to scientists. |
StormTrooperAggressive commando troopers, specially trained to locate and kill intruders. The standard weapon is the laser rifle which they will happily use to snipe on you. Their armour is light to allow maximum mobility and their implants are medium grade. |
Chameleon SoldierThe skin of the chameleon man has been altered to camouflage the body. This works best when he is standing still, only when shooting and getting hit will the camouflage field disrupt to show the puny human inside. The high speed assault rifle carried by chameleon soldiers is too dangerous to ignore, so don't. The implants will yield to persistent attacks. |
WolfheadThis biped killing machine is one of the most dangerous units around. Mounted on the left arm is a rocket launcher. You guessed it, Rocket launchers are bad for your health. Some units come with a Vulcan minigun instead. The controlling implants of this unit will only disable if stunned. |
Space PilotWhen not piloting space ships, the pilots are in an understandably bad mood. The Space Pilot carries a grenade launcher which fires stun grenades capable of putting even the biggest brute to sleep. The clumsy space suit puts some restraint on his mobility, but protects against vacuum and probe attacks. |
Battle CyborgBattle Cyborgs are enhanced, heavily armoured humans capable of high speed. They carry flame throwers for toasting enemies. Due to the exposed upper body, the implants are weak compared to the durability of the body. |