September 1997
31st September 1997
Where did September go to? mmm, one of those months! :)
19th September 1997
Nonsolosoft (Italy) are now stocking the entire Vulcan range and will be representing Vulcan at the World of Amiga Fair in Italy (20th-21st September 97)
9th September 1997
Vulcan are proud to announce the signing of `Magic Birds Entertainment` to the Vulcan Label. Desolate their first CD title is a tribute to the `Bitmap Brothers` classic `GODS` but set in the future with all the trimmings a CD title needs.
3rd September 1997
It's Big! It's Evil! It's Here! The Strangers AGA CDRom is finally released and available from all good stockists around the world!
1st September 1997
We will and have been doing everything in our power to make `Hard Target` Graphics Card compatible but it is too early to say 100% for sure at this stage of the development, please no more emails.
(c)1997 Vulcan Software Ltd.