March 1998
29th March 1998
NEW Diary Pages with Graphical links has been...oh! you`re already looking at it! :)
28th March 1998
NEW MiniSeries links and Presentation Pages! Yeeehaa!
22nd March 1998
New Artificial Intellegence Text been added to the Genetic Species web pages.
21st March 1998
New Weapons list and images has been added to the Genetic Species web pages.
20st March 1998
New `later level` screen shots have been added to the Genetic Species web pages.
19th March 1998
Vulcans new promotional web site `www.vul-soft.demon.co.uk` has been established especially for Magazine and Web based publications around the world.
18th March 1998
Turtle Lightening Software reduces prices on the entire Vulcan range!.
13th March 1998
Enemies and Character details along with up to date Techinical Specifications have been added to the Genetic Species web pages.
12th March 1998
If you own JetPilot and would like a German language version which includes the in-game manual` then the German patch files are now available for download.
11th March 1998
Further Delays! Development on Genetic Species is in full steam and around the clock, even though we have experienced some more delays in it`s release date we are confident that this awesome 3 year project will be ready towards for the end of April 98, Genetic Species will also have a full promotional release at the World of Amiga (London) in May 98.
10th March 1998
Wasted Dreams CDRom Story details have been added..
5th March 1998
Desolate CDRom the Puzzling Shoot-em-up Platfrom Romp, `tribute to the GODS classic` is entering it`s final stages of development, digital speech recording has just begun along with a full intro animation by ZEx DESiGN.
3rd March 1998
Have you experienced the `Binbrook Triangle` in JetPilot? If so then the bug fix is available for download, it simply changes the mission to by-pass `Binbrook` as we still haven`t been able to find what`s causing the interference.
1st March 1998
Eeek! My birthday! Getting a bit older, a bit greyer and a bit wiser :)
(c)1998 Vulcan Software Ltd.