Webmasters: This page contains various graphical links which I would like you to use if you intend to add a
link to The Lair! from your own sites.
If you do create a link to The Lair!, could you please e-mail me
with the details. That is, the URL of the site you are linking from, the link you have chosen and where the link
can be found on your site.
Please be sure to link only to the cover-page (index.html), as the contents, due to their nature, are subject
to rapid change!
Please Note: The Lair! is aimed at a wide audience and, as such, there are likely to be
minors visiting the site... Please do not link to The Lair! from a site which has a sexually explicit
content, or from one which contains illegal or "questionable" material. The Lair! advocates free speech
on the net and is opposed to censorship - but I would prefer it not to be associated with such material.
Thank You