KayDee> Ok, Let me say one thing, and make it perfectly clear.. we are
not using Intel.. at all... nobody made any announcement saying that we
were using Intel.. |
jcompton> I made a mistake. Intel was not explicitly mentioned, but Jeff
-did- say x86. I apologize for the error. |
jcompton> Just to repeat: I made a mistake. Intel was not explicitly
mentioned by Amiga Inc., but Jeff -did- say x86 chips would be
used in the November Machine. The manufacturer has not been
decided/announced. I apologize for the error. |
KayDee> Ok, so are we all clear on the processor information now?
The systems that will be available later this year will be
available for anyone who wants them.. there will be special
systems for the developers, but the end users will be able to
get systems themselves. The systems that will be available later this
year will be available for anyone who wants them.. there will be
special systems for the developers, but the end users will be
able to get systems themselves. |
jcompton>Yes, the November Machine will be available to all comers who
have the dough. However, my impression, and I do not express
it lightly, is that it will not be very -attractive- to
non-developers. In short, it will not be supported like a
general personal computer.
I don't dispute that this is subject to change. The uproar
from the masses may be so great that they have no choice but
to create an architecture more in tune with what we expect
from a personal computer running AmigaOS. |
KayDee> and, everybody remember, that this is jcompton+'s opinion.. it
is not fact.. right jc? |
jcompton> KayDee: That's a tough one to answer. Jeff did not say "It
will not be supported like a general personal computer." He
did, however, progressively decrease his enthusiasm for end
users wanting the machine at all. |
aTmosh> jc: current Amiga is not attractive to anyone but Toaster users
and fanatics either |
jcompton> AT: Jeff's presentation was very articulate. About an hour, I
think. |
jcompton> Fact: Amiga Inc. plans a developer and non-developer version of
the x86-based November AmigaOS 4 machine. Fact: Jeff put a
much greater emphasis on selling the developer machine so that
AmigaOS 5 apps can be developed for the 1999 line of AmigaOS
appliances. Opinion: The de-emphasis of the end-user platform
and the move to appliances rather than computers is not what I
wanted to hear. |
jcompton> HD: There will be no 3.5. |
TA> After talking on the phone to the UK I am prepared to answer
SOME questions.Please there are still ythings NDA that I
simply can not answer. |
TA> OK, first of all, Amiga Inc has the room the irc stuff in only
rented thru 11 their time. The rooms are now locked for
protection of the equipment. M Flint said they will be back on
tomorrow at 11am British time. |
TA> Second, when the press event happened, some members that were
in attendance did NOT like the news. Havemose opened the floor
to question and answer and tried to answer some questions. It
was not a good reception, but he was winging it as best he
could. |
tekmage> They plan to release a machine in novmeber at a $999 price
level, for developers and end users |
TA>There is more to come BTW as far as PR is concerned. |
TA>That's correct! |
tekmage> the rumor is it will have an X86 main processor with a card of
some sort for amiga compatility at this point that is ALL we know,
from KayDee |
TA>Tek: The bridge system will have an x86 with a card system that
will give full Amiga capability at faster speeds than what we
have right now. |
tekmage>the have heard OS 5 will follow in about 2 two years making the OS 4
and the machine a stepping stone to the OS 5 system |
TA> I have no timetable on OS 5 yet. It is heavily discussed even
today. |
TA> Tek: Yes! |
Jkay> can you say anything about the "partners" |
TA> And it will NOT be emulation. |
Wiv> TA: So essentially the PPC wont be in the future of Amiga as
you see it ? |
TA> Wiv: NO, PPC is NOT the wave of the Amiga future. |
aTmosh> TA: a large graphics software company? |
TA> My source is THE source. I called the UK and asked those there
if I could say anything here. I also informed them of the
current situation in the irc groups. M Flint and fleecy said
to watch NDA's but it is ok to say some things here. |
TA> The first system available will be what they call the Bridge
System. It will essentially be a PC and an Amiga in ONE box.
Either software will work. These will be availabel RSN ... |
tekmage> TA: have you other information? |
TA> For a short time we will have a dual system as fast or faster
than current pc's and faster than current amiga's. |
Volmer> Does the release of OS4 mean that we're actually going to run
(As an example) BeOS, and not really AmigaOS? I mean, if the
kernal of eg. BeOS is used.. |
TA> A kernal partner (several) are being looked at. Decision will
be made forthwith and announced within a few weeks. |
dsimpson> It sounds (so far) exactly like PPC PC + new PCI Siamese card
-- yes? GA |
TA> absolutely not. We will have an amiga box that runs every bit
of software you have right now for the bridge system. |
TA> PLUS it will also run pc software |
Maniac>will the bridge be a full system or just a PC PCI card, and if
so what spec PC will be required ? ga |
TA> Maniac, sorry, I can not answer that one yet. It will be
announced asap though. |
Weirdami> Will there be advertizing (specifically in USA or North
America)? ...also, why go the PC route and not the apple route? |
TA> Weirdami: I will make an assumption here based on what I know
has been discussed and that is a "yes". to advertising.
The pc route has been chosen for speed to get the system out
and for other reason that I can not go into now. GA |
salty> What do AmigaInc have to say to all the people who bought
PowerUP cards after the "68k+PPC is the way forward"
statement? GA |
TA> Salty: If this helps, there has been agonizing over this
decision for months. more than that, AI will have to say. |
FonkiE> TA: is the os portable right now? (c code) - or has everything
to be done -- gg, GA (whatever) |
TA> Fonkie, sorry, I am not at liberty to say anything except that
the bridge system will be available in a couple of months. |
TA> also, on the pc question, Gateway is a pc company and can get
that system ready pronto for the amiga bridge. |
Dustbin> This seems more complex then shown here, is it a GRAND plan
that is totally invisible at the moment? Also, does this new
machine mean total loss of current hardware additions? Thnx GA |
TA> Dust: In the long run, what we call AmigaOS will not be here,
but what we gain will be much better and I am talking LONG
range here. also, we will continue to be able to use the current software
long enough to allow our many fine developers time to go to
the new system. GA |
Audion> Will there be a "hands on" demonstration of the new OS or
hardware at WOA as Darreck Lisle alluded to? Is so, when is
that scheduled? GA |
TA> Audion: My impression is that a system demo will take place
this weekend. They were talking about that when I called and
it still isn't firm, but most probably so. GA |
Griff> As this statement today by AmigaInc is potentionally the
rebirth of the Amiga in whatever shape or form it is going to
be. Do you think that a lot of Amiga developers will move to
the new Amiga platform? Do you think that these Amiga dev
people will bother porting their software? GA |
TA> Yes! and the reason is that AI will not only allow them the
time to move that direction, but will hvae strategic partners
available to give an added boost to our new platform.
Developers are the core of our platform and will NOT be
forgotten by AI. Did that answer it? |
santa> What about support for current AMIGAs with PPC and CyberGfx?
(We put lots of money in our machines) GA |
TA> Everyting that we have today and will run in the near future
will use AmigaDos as we know it. Long range is that the PPC
card will not be an asset in the future. GA |
dooz> What will be with the users who just bought their PPC cards in
belief of previous AI official statement about 68k/PPC as the
future CPU's in future Amiga? GA |
TA> Dooz: They will have to upgrade to the new system or be left
behind eventually. GA |
DrFraggle>Will AI make an official anouncement soon that clarifies the
news you`ve told us ? GA |
TA> DR: There are some strategic partners that require the utmost
in silence. I am sure that as Press Officer for the ICOA, what
I say here will be verified shortly. GA |
toshka_>what market is ai targeted at? amiga fans,windows users,other?
and how can ai make os quickly if no kernel choosen yet?GA |
TA> Toshka: The amiga market will be ALL computer users once you
see the long term. I can not talk about the kernal except to
say that it is being discussed even right now. |
CyberWolf> Will there be a laptop AMIGA? (I need one :-) gg |
TA> CyberWolf: I truthfully do not know. The Bridge system will NOT
be laptop. It will be a BIG box. GA |
RedBaron> Hi, if the "November Amiga" is to be a PC with an
Amiga-on-a-card, then current Toaster/Flyers will not work,
correct? Is there any information regarding Newtek and updates
of the Toaster/Flyer? GA. |
TA>Red: I have no info on that and failed to ask. I will though on
the next phone call later tonight if possible. GA |
NoMaam> Is the Amiga going to be a PC ?? meaning: will it run windows
etc ?? |
TA> The bridge system will run BOTH software. Future amiga's will
be amiga's ONLY is my current understanding. I could be wrong
about the latter. |
Volmer> TA, You did not really answer the question about the kernal
that I asked you some time ago (First Q, remember? ;-]).. It's
not to be like the current AmigaOS, is it? It's just (In case
you're using the BeOS kernal) BeOS with modified gadgets etc..
Perhaps some small modifications.. GA |
TA> Volmer: I have a hard time answering the question about the
kernal as I did not spend a great deal of time talking about
it. But I can say that it is being discussed. GA |
MeloMniac> The OS4.0 developer board....I assume that it doesn't have that
'special chipset' that we heard about in this channel earlier.
So what function does it have for developing of software,
unless that 'special chipset' is not a high priority for AI
and GW? Will the new Amiga's really just be PC's running an
Amiga OS??? And will PC owners be able to just plug an Amiga
card in their PC's? GA |
TA> Melo: There will be a Bridge System Amiga that will run BOTH
softwares. After that, Developers will be getting the first of
the new machines with users following swiftly after. |
NOx86> What will AI do when the x86 processors reach their limit
(which ihmo is reached soon), whilst the PPC will increase
performance ? take another 180 degree turn ? GA |
TA> No: I can not answer that, sorry ... |
MegaBob> What Way choose AI to distribute Worlwide The New Software And
Hardware ? GA |
TA> Mega: Can you ask that a little more in depth? I don't
understand where you are wanting me to go here? If it's about distribution,
I have not asked or been privy to any discussions on distribution of
software or hardware. GA |
MegaBob> IS AI going to Sell the News Soft and Hard in PC Vendor Shop ?? |
TA> See above answer, I really don't know what they have planned
for distribution. I will ask. GA |
Rog> Will or could Gateway sell the new Amigas in the future from
their website ? GA |
TA> Rog: Amiga Inc is the developmental arm for the Amiga. Amiga
Int is the sales arm so I would presume that THEY could or
might. GA |
NEO> This is a long one... =) How will amiga int/inc sort up thing
with p5? They owe them a BIG appologise for missleading! This
might accutally be the and for p5? What are the plans for p5
in the future? The unice Datatypes and locale functions, will
they dissapear? Also wonder if the guys that worked this so
called plan have any experience of the amiga in the past. Do they
know that Amiga WAS more then a computer. It WAS a lifestyle,
religion.... GA |
TA> Neo: about the discussions with P5, I can not answer. Currently
AI and Amiga Int are well aware that the Amiga is a culture,
not just a computer. It will stay that way. |
Tigerwizz> What type of processor will be used in the new Amiga cards in
the bridge system? Will we see a motorola, PPC or something
else? gg |
TA> Tiger, I was specifically told to NOT mention that specific of
a thing. Sorry. GA |
CM_Press> TA: Hi, I'm an italian press of Computer Mania OnLine Magazine
and i want say you: "i think: an Amiga in a PCI board, is
Amiga? or a additional card for pc and mac? this is future? or
a nightmare? why are not support actual PPC board from AI?" |
TA> CM: The system you are talking about is a bridge system to take
us to the next generation Amiga. GA |
kamil>But why not PPC?? Overpriced or underpowered? why the x86 was
the choice? GA |
TA> Kamil: gateway computers is a pc company. Everyone wants a new
system out YESTERDAY. This is the way to do that. They are assisting
Amiga Inc in this endeaver. GA |
emission> What about the multiplatform goals that were claimed at
Computer97 Devcon? When will currently NDA:ed info be
released? Any transitional API plan, such as the MacOS X, in
the works? Will there be any mainstream CPU in the
post-interim Amiga? GA |
TA> emission: You are asking about the long range plans and I can't
get too deeply into that here today. |
Chain> Will AmigaInc be looking at Custom chipsets (Ie. Designing
them) again or stick to off the shelf parts? Has Mr Gates
Injected any cash into AmigaInc 8O) ? GA |
TA> Chain: Mr gates is NOT involved with the amiga. the other I can
not discuss. |
dsimpson> (mistyped my first question) Current info matches exactly with
specs of proposed Siamese PCI card plus a W95 Box, including
claims of vast speedup becuz of bus communications with PC
graphics card, etc. PLUS Siamese has recently changed hands
and seems (now) to have cash to go forward with PCI project.
Can you comment? GA |
TA> dsimpson: "I don't know" ... :) sorry I can not. |
_ego>Regarding OS4, is the core of a development team already in
place? AInc seem unusually confident given the short time
space involved. GA |
TA> ego: Keep in mind that some are mixing up time frames. the
Bridge system will run current amiga software. The FUTURE will
not. |
MrDaniel> TA: What about multi CPU systems? Will it be supported in
AmigaOS5 or even OS4? Also, who will provide development
tools, compilers etc, in time for OS4. GA |
TA> I was just promised that developers are the CORE to our
platform and they will NOT be left hanging. GA |
newbie> Why, with hardware independence, are current PPC-Amigas
discarded as hardware platforms for OS4.0? If performance is
an issue, shouldn't it be up to the user to decide whether he
wants to upgrade his hardware or not? GA |
TA> newbie, sorry the ppc card is not the future of the amiga. The
BRIDGE system is. |
`Maverick> Well i am interested thoes AI decission means all PHASE 5 2
years research (PPC,CVPPC.......) is forgotten & there is no
future plans for PPC.? |
TA> Maverick: I think that is up to P5 as a developer? GA |
[Twig]> So we know that the November "bridge" is to be x86 and a card.
What is this leading to in terms of the 1999 system and os 5?
Is that x86 and a card too or a completely proprietary system? |
TA> Twig: Cant say, sorry. GA |
Rennex> How will the bridge machine be able to run both PC and Amiga
programs? Is it the way the new GUI (and API) is ->all on same
screen, or is there a separate Windows emulation? NEO also
wanted to know a bit more about what's going to happen to
datatypes etc unique stuff (screens?). GA |
TA> Rennex: The bridge system will run both. The details will be
available later. GA |
phoe> when can we expect to hear specific details of the platform /
chipset ? Any ideas ? |
TA> The details for the bridge system will be available shortly
(weeks not months). The other is months away. GA |
inja> Is any work being done for internationalization e.g. multi-byte
char support etc.? Or I might work for gw Japan to get things
started :) GA |
TA> Too technical to answer here. sorry. GA |
Aes> Gary, thanks for staying and answering our questions. Q: Is
this system being developed alone by GW/AInc alone, or are
there any other notable companies (inside or outside Amiga
circles) signed on in some type of larger scale consortium? GA |
TA> Aes: This is an Amiga Inc project. I feel sure there will be
strategic partners announced at some point. GA |
Slash> So the amiga is just gonna be another PC clone (IBM, DELL, RM,
AMIGA) and all the hard bloody effort that Phase5 have done
regarding AI's statement is down the shitter........basically
the Amiga is now a PC clone so they can use it's current form
as a set box top!!! Gateway only had one idea in mind and that
was it wasn't it!!! GA |
TA> Slash: wrongo! The bridge system will run both. Later on it
will be an amiga. I can not talk about P5. GA |
Einstein> TA: How do they intend to build a completely new OS based on a
JavaOS/Linux/BeOS kernel in such a short time? November isn't
that far away, and two years aren't either!! How much money
has GW invested in AI? How does AI intend to treat the AROS
(team)? GA |
TA> Einstein: I wish I could answer you but i can not. GA |
rbn^gts> What GUI system will you choose for the next AmigaOS (MUI,
Gadtools etc.)? Will you talk to companies in the games
industry such as Lucasarts, Microprose and Sierra regarding
developement of games for the next generation of Amiga(OS)?
Will these things still remain in future AmigaOS versions
(4.0, 5.0 and further) : 1) Datatypes, 2) Screens, 3) Locale? |
TA> rbn: Sorry, I can not get into that here yet. GA |
Funny> Tell us one reason,why we must buy November-Box instead PC
right now ? As I understan,only one thing will different-Amiga
OS instead Windows,but it's until some1 will make emulator on
the real PC. |
TA> Funny: the bridge system will be two computers in one running
BOTH software's. The later versions will be Amiga's. |
Jkay> There will only be a PC part to the BRIDGE system. After that,
it's back to %100 AMIGA again |
TA> Jkay, yes! The reason for th ebridge system is to give us a new
faster amiga NOW! |
Kfir> how far into development is os4.0 ? is there any code already? |
TA> kfir: Sorry, off limits. GA |
ReqTools> I just bought a PPC accelerator board the last week. what
happens with this? |
TA> Req: For the short term, you are ok. For the long term the
amiga is going a different, FASTER direction with RTG and
other things that are now off limits for me here. |
MAY> TA:Are they planning to add extra features like new amiga
custom chips to 8086 chip arcitecture? |
TA> may: I can't get that specific sorry ...GA |
toshka> don't you think that all who accepted x86 are on pc now(using
different oses with _native_ s/w),so ai has no market?GA |
TA> toskhka: No, we will have the best of both worlds fora time so
that dev. can get up to speed, then we get something even
better than pc or the current amiga. |
[DarkMan]> ok.. I just Baught an Amiga 4000T about 4 months ago.. I spent
all my savings.. I got lots of goodies for it.. NOw what
your saying is I have to get rid of it? |
TA> Darkman: No, in the near future, your A4000 and my A3000 will
run along fine. Developers won't just stop devloping tomorrow
and your A4000 won't fail to boot either. Long term, start
saving up for a new amiga! :) GA |
Multitask> will be Amiga a Siamese+uae on PC? I can't understand the
reason it's stupid... where or when we could know all the
history? |
TA> Multitask: Too specific, I can not answer. sorry. GA |
CyberWolf> TA: 1) Have the few remaining AMIGA developers been informed
about the NEW AMIGA? I do need PageStream. 2) What other
former AMIGA developer will join the Team: Dr.Hepler,
Sassenrath, Dave Haynie ...? |
TA> Cyberwolf: It was made VERY plain to me on the phone that part
of the reason fo rthis direction is so that current dev stay
and new ones can come on board as well. |
Pootle> "Amiga-on-a-PC-card","no AmigaOS as we know it in the future" -
All of what you have told me just sounds like GW have bought
the Amiga to steal any parts of it that they like - to
integrate into the next PC (a bit like Gates does) and are
using this as a fasttrack way of achieving it ?- and what
about Gateways statements that they bought the Amiga for its
userbase loyalty? - or am I totally wrong about this??? (I hope
so) ...your personal view too please?... lastly AND MOST
IMPORTANTLY do you REALLY think that we will we ever see a
standalone Amiga computer that does NOT depend upon a PC or
other computer developed/released after we have seen AI
constantly going back on its own statements? |
TA> Pootle: Two parts so be ready ... :) First my PERSONAL opinion.
I feel that Amiga Inc is going a totally different way than a
pc as you know them today. Gateway is NOT just stealing away
what we have. |
TA> Second, amiga inc has a long term plan that when revealed will
show you that the supposition you have made is not correct.
That is the best I can do right now. GA |
Swatch> What about the development system to be used on bridge systems?
SAS and Storm without PPC are history. GA |
TA> Swatch: Sorry I did not ask that question and have not been
privy to that discussion. GA |
pekr> What is the reason to use Be, Linux or what kernal? Why to pay
the development then and not to use the whole Linux
and call it amiga? I think Carl Sassenrath left to the REBOL
ship because he felt there is not system out there to satisfy
him. (even Linux nor Be)! So why not to cooperate with him for
e.g. to include REBOL kernel? Is Carl Sassenrath, RJ
Mical or Ed Hepler in any conjunction with future Amiga plans?
from :-) Can you add a question...? "Do you guys really
think ppl are willing to buy TWO new computers for
ALOT of money in TWO years? U will loose alot of users!!!" pl |
TA> pekr: I can not comment on that as I did not ask, but the amiga
IS NOT GOING INTEL. Bank on that! GA |
nicktnf2> Are you sure new bridge system will be faster executing current
Amiga software? Have you got any prototype or it's just a
project? |
TA> Nick: Yes, I was just told it is MUCH faster (emphasize MUCH
they said), plus the pc side will be faster. Later REAL
amiga's will be Amiga's. |
Deltar> With the weges & now towers, will the bridge system work in ANY
of the current machines? GA |
TA> Deltar: The bridge system is going to be A system, not an add
on for your amiga. Later amiga's will be real amiga's in the
sense as we know them today as far as the look and feel from
what I am told. The bridge will be both amiga and pc in one
box. GA |
[MAd`mAX]> What exactly card will be this? just one to put in ISA on
normal pc? can you describe that card a bit more? and how much
will it cost? and after that a stand alone amiga will be based
on intel? looks like that becose it will be hard to make a new
os for ppc or something else |
TA> Mad: I can NOT get specific, I was warned. Details will follow
as soon as possible. GA |
EquiHate> What price will the 1999 system be (roughly)? Is it worth
buying both Nov.box _and_ 1999 system? Second, BIG = BrIdGe?
Thanks. GA |
TA> Equi: I am not involved in the pricing at all ... sorry. GA |
Darwin> TA: With the announcement of the Bridge system, is AI aiming at
the home market alone or at businesses and such too? ga |
TA> Darwin: AI is aiming at the entire world of computers. GA |
TA> They asked that I make one thing REAL clear? OK with you guys? |
TA> The plan is constructed with the developers and the user
community in mind. They feel it is very important to give
delopers a smooth transition. That is going to be done. |