taking responsiblity...



chris hanretty

[ editor ]

Chris first got an Amiga when his father decided to buy a computer that could be used for games and "serious stuff". So, toss-up between the Atari ST and an Amiga 500+. The outcome was obvious.

He would like to describe himself as some sort of mystic. Indeed, that's what a Tarot program he downloaded from the Aminet told him. Here's the excerpt.

1 - The Magus

'The true Self is the meaning of the true Will:
know Thyself through Thy Way.
Calculate well the formula of Thy Way. Create freely, absorb joyously, divide intently, consolidate completely
Work thou Omnipotent, Omniscient, Omnipresent, in and for Eternity

erik elgersma

[ deputy editor ]

Before being removed from society for his own safety (offences include shouting "I've got an Amiga, your PCs are useless" at PC shows and conventions) patient 1027b was in his penultimate year of his VWO study at Sancta Maria High School, where he studied Maths, Economics, Accounting, History, Geography, Dutch , English and French. Speculated interests and hobbies include football, horse riding and windsurfing. All we otherwise know of this rogue civilian is that he first owned an Amiga 500Plus in 1995, having been introduced to the Amiga a few years earlier. The user-friendliness and resourcefulness of that little box impressed him so much that the Amiga quickly became a total obsession for him, the A500Plus became an accelerated A1200 and now there's no application left untouched by him and his Amiga. This guy truly is a phenomenon. Although patient 1027b is not dangerous to ordinary members of the public, PC owners better beware and steer well clear of him.

General Likes and Not-likes

Television Likes:

Any live football, The X-Files, Jerry Springer, Friday Night Armistice, Match of the day, Mr bean, Blackadder, Top Gear, Keeping up appearances, One foot in the grave, Live and Kicking, Smith and Jones. Yes the telly is almost always on...

Television notlikes:

The Bold and the Beautiful, Oprah, all quiz/game shows almost.

By the bedside table at the moment:

Honore de Balzac - Le colonel Chabert, Emile Zola - La mort d'Olivier Becaille, almost every Cu Amiga back issue stacked sky-high in a great big pile, and the dreaded alarm clock. Oh and Surf Magazine aswell of course.


Also The Verve: Urban Hymns, Aqua: Aquarium, Savage Garden: Savage Garden, a few Solid Harmonie singles.