
Launched onto an unsuspecting Internet on: 10th December, 1996.
Second Coming on: 20th September 1997.


Generally General

The Lair! is aimed towards the Amiga computer-platform and the features within will reflect this. This publication is intended to be a source of news and commentary on Amiga and Internet issues.

Each issue is released on (or around) the 20th of the month.

Produced using a 33Mhz 030 1200 with 16 megs of Fast Ram, and a 850 Mb HD. The HTML is entirely hand-coded as well!

The Lair! - Written and coded by Obscure Reference (aka Chris Hanretty), architect in cyber-space.
Ably assisted by Tricky Dickie, (aka Erik Elgersma), cyberspace doodler.



For possible contributions: elgersma@worldonline.nl
Comments to the Webmeister: D2282118@infotrade.co.uk
Anything Else: thelair@amigaworld.com



Copyright, ©1996-1997 The Digital Word Company Limited Registered No. 3416629.

Individual contributers retain their copyright!
It may not be reproduced, either in part or in whole, by any means or on any media, without the express permission of its author and, where applicable, its contributers.