Online Documentation Amiga Formula One

F1GP HoF Qualifier - Documentation for v2.05

 Micro Dimensions Software are proud to present:-
           J#####L   #L  g##m  g###m_      J#1  ##        ######  
           J#####F  d#L d####& 0#####_     J#1  ##        ######  
           J##"""'a###LJ##"~## 0#@"##Q     J#1  ##   __   ##""""  
           J##    7###LI##  ~" 0#F J##     J#Q__##  ####  ##      
           J#####   0#L0#F  __ 0#L_d##     J###### d#MM#L #####   
           J#####   0#L0#L J##L0#####F     J###### ##  ## #####   
           J##"""   0#L]#Q  M#L0####F      J#1  ## ##  ## ##"""   
           J##      0#L ##w_0#L0#F         J#1  ## ##  ## ##      
           J##      0#L 9#####L0#F         J#1  ## 4####F ##      
           J##      0#L  ###F#L0#F         J#1  ##  ###F  ##      

              a###w                g# g#  am# J#L                    
             J#####,               0# 0#  ### J#F                    
             ##F 5## ,_  __  ____  0# ,_ J#Q   _,  ___  ,_ _         
            J##   0# 0#  ## J####  0# 0# #### J#F d###, 0#J#         
            J##   0#L0#  ## 0#"9#L 0# 0# M##^ J#F #@"0# 0###         
            J##   0#L0#  ##  __0#L 0# 0#  ##  J#F7#Lad# 0#F          
             ## J&## 0#  ## J####L 0# 0#  ##  J#F7##### 0#           
             ###J### 0#L_## ## j#L 0# 0#  ##  J#FJ#L __ 0#           
             J#####& 9##### #####L 0# 0#  ##  J#F ##m## 0#           
              9###M#L ##F0# 9##"#L 0# 0#  ##  J#F `###" 0#           

 Copyright © 1998 Micro Dimensions Software.

                     Written by Neil Tweedy & Rob Wilson
                             Finished 11-04-98











System Documentation..




Program Documentation..









Miscellaneous Information..







Disclaimer Notice..


 · How you use this software is beyond our control.

 · Documentation is provided (here-in) for you, the user, to read at your

 · This documentation is thorough and comprehensive and it should provide
   you with all you need to know about this program.

 · If you do not use this program as guided, Micro Dimensions Software
   can not be held responsible for any damages, hardware and/or
   software related to your system.

 · We, the programmers, can not be held responsible for certain user's 
   incompetence and we will therefore not be bullied into compensating
   `Joe Bloggs' who has just blown-up their Amiga into bits for whatever
   reason it may be.

 · We would like to stress, that this program will not cause any damage
   to your Amiga whatsoever.

 · Note, however, that we do not make any claims that this program will
   work on any other system, aside from those which it has already been
   tested on.

Copyright Notice..



 · This program, its code, graphics, documentation and all other related
   files are Copyright © 1998 Micro Dimensions Software.

 · In *NO WAY* must any file be altered by any one, by any means, at any
   time, in any way.

 · Permission will *NOT* be given to do so.

 · This archive is to *REMAIN INTACT*.

 · It may be distributed on the Aminet sites, namely and and any of their respective mirror sites.

 · Permission is also given to all Amiga magazines to place this archive
   on their coverdisk and/or coverdisc.  See AMIGA MAGAZINES.

 · Public domain distributors must not charge more than a nominal copying
   fee and postage costs in the Public Domain category.  This applies to
   all World Wide distributors of Public Domain software.  


Contacting the Authors..


 · If you have any questions, complaints, complements, etc. about this
   program, you contact the authors by sending an e-mail to either of the
   following addresses :-

 · Thankyou.



 · An Amiga of virtually any type from one of the following:-

   CDTV & CD32 with a keyboard.

 · A PAL screen display, or, a display with at least 640x256 or better.

 · Any of the above Amigas will require KS 3.0 and WB 3.0 or greater in
   order to run the program.

 · A 68020 or better processor is required.

 · Memory required: <512K of RAM.

Program Intrdouction..


 · The F1GP HoF Qualifier is a program that was designed for keeping track
   of your qualifying lap-times for the Amiga F1GP Hall of Fame.

 · All the vital information that is required for the HoF can be stored in
   a separate (personal) data file.

 · You are allowed additionally to export as many of your qualifying times
   out to a file ready for submission to Alan Strang (the moderator of the
   Amiga Hall of Fame).

 · At present there are few methods of obtaining your qualifying data for
   the HoF.  One is F1GP-RES.  This was written by Edo Nijmeijer in AMOS.
   It is now old and very slow.  A second option is to use F1GP-Ed written
   by Oliver Roberts.  Your setup data can be exported to a file ready for
   the HoF.  This is better than F1GP-RES, its faster for one, however it
   is limited in its use.  A third way is to type your results into a text
   editor, formatting them to look like the HoF.

 · Alternatively you could save yourself the hassle and use a dedicated
   utility like F1GP HoF Qualifier v2.05.  It's just the job for it.
   A well-presented GUI coded 100% in assembler.

 · We hope you like this program, we hope to improve it even further in
   the near future.  We look forward to your comments.

 · Look out for updates and other HoF Qualifier related updates on Aminet,
   Alan Strangs' web site and soon on Rob Wilsons' web site:-

HoF Export Format..


 · Below is an example of the output generated if USA was exported from
   the HoF Qualifier under dry track conditions.

  ********************** Qualifying Records for ID *********************

  >TRACK  1: USA (Phoenix)
   TIME      ID  DATE     OPTS   [ F/R ]  F/R  [ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6]
  ---------------------------------------------------------------- - - - 
  *1:14.028  ID  12-07-97 HF     [64/42]  12R  [28,34,40,46,52,58]

   Exported using HoF Qualifier v2.05  © 1998 Micro Dimensions Software
            Written and Designed by Neil Tweedy and Rob Wilson

 · Below is an example of the output generated if Japan was exported from
   the HoF Qualifier under wet track conditions.

  ******************** Wet Qualifying Records for ID *******************

  >TRACK 15: Japan (Suzuka)
   TIME      ID  DATE     OPTS   [ F/R ]  F/R  [ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6]
  ---------------------------------------------------------------- - - - 
  *1:40.556  ID  09-07-97 HFWK2  [64/54]  16R  [26,33,41,49,57,63]

   Exported using HoF Qualifier v2.05  © 1998 Micro Dimensions Software
            Written and Designed by Neil Tweedy and Rob Wilson


 · Options which (can) appear in the option field in the exported records.
       Br   Auto Brakes              A    Hard    (A) compound tyre
       G    Auto gears               B    Medium  (B) compound tyre
       Sp   Self-Righting Spins      C    Soft    (C) compound tyre
       L    Best Line                D    V.Soft  (D) compound tyre
       S    Suggested gears          W    Wet     (W) compound tyre
                                     Q*   Qualify (Q) compound tyre

       2    2 button gears           J    Analogue joystick
       H    HP fixed at 716          K    Keyboard
       T    Traction control off

       F    10 frames/sec PAL or NTSC (under F1GP-Ed v3.3x)

 · NOTE: Q tyres are assumed default and will be not exported as an


 · On exporting of record data, it is important to know that the program
   has been written with a view that some options when selected have a
   distinct priority above others.  For example, the options 'H' and 'F'
   have a priority above all other options.  This is due to the rulings
   laid down in the F1GP HoF.  All competitors are expected to qualify
   with their cars HP fixed at 716 and the frame rate set 10 frames/sec,
   although 8 frames/sec is allowed.

 · If you were to export data with all options set, you will notice that
   not all options will be written in the export file.  This is because
   there is not enough room to print all the options.  Whether this will
   change in the future is unknown.

Running the program..


 · Just double-click on the program's icon from Workbench.

 · Alternatively you could run the program from the CLI/Shell.

 · Running the HoF Qualifier with the RUN and RUNBACK commands (which may
   be present) in your Sys:c/ drawer is acceptable.

Tooltypes & CLI usage..


 · There are several tooltypes which can be set:-

   EXPORTPATH   · Location for your exported HoF record file to reside.
                  e.g. EXPORTPATH=Leisure:HallofFame/

   FILEPATH     · Location where your HoF datafile resides.
                  e.g. FILEPATH=Leisure:HallofFame/

   FILENAME     · The filename given to the HoF datafile.
                  e.g. LapTimes.HoFQ

   MATCHPAT     · The set file pattern match in the load requester.
                  e.g. MATCHPAT=#?.HoFQ

   AUTOLOAD     · Loading of the HoF datafile can be initiated at run-time.
                  e.g. AUTOLOAD=YES (default is NO)

   ASKOVERWRITE · Allows you to disable the requester which confirms the
                  overwriting of a HoFQ datafile.
                  e.g. ASKOVERWRITE=NO (default is YES)

   QUALKEY      · Allows you to disable the use of the Amiga qualifier key
                  for accessing gadgets via keyboard shortcuts.
                  e.g. QUALKEY=NO (default is YES)

   OLDFRAME     · Allows you to use the old (now obsolete 'F5') frame rate
                  option setting.  This has since been replaced with 'F'.
                  e.g. OLDFRAME=YES (default is NO)

   ZOOMTOP      · Allows you to enter the vertical position for the title bar
                  of the HoF Qualifier, when in a zoomed state.
                  e.g. ZOOMTOP=80 (default is 20)

   ZOOMLEFT     · Allows you to enter the vertical position for the title bar
                  of the HoF Qualifier, when in a zoomed state.
                  e.g. ZOOMLEFT=140 (default is 40)

   ZOOMED       · Allows you to run the HoF Qualifier in a zoomed state.
                  You will only see a title bar on your WB.
                  e.g. ZOOMTOP=YES (default is NO)

   SETUPSPATH    · Allows you to set the dir of where your F1GP setups reside.
                  e.g. SETUPSPATH=F1GP:Setups


 · All of the above tooltype options are available for use via a Shell/CLI.


Other Features..


 · Minimize Gadget - You can shrink the GUI down to a title bar by clicking
   on its minimize gadget.  Clicking again on this gadget returns the GUI
   to its normal size.

Quitting the program..


 · Click on the close gadget of the GUI.  Pretty trivial really.

 · Note if any changes have been made, a confirmation requester will be
   displayed, asking you if you want to abandon changes.



 · Just copy the main program and this guide to somewhere appropriately on
   your system.

   e.g.  Leisure:Formula-1/HoF/HoF_Qualifier main program file

   e.g.  Workbench3.0:Guides/HoF_Qualifier.Guide guide documentation

The GUI Layout..


 · The layout of the GUI for any Amiga Formula-1 addict should be pretty
   intuitive.  In fact it is very similar to that in Amiga F1GP (by
   Microprose) and in certain sections of the Amiga F1GP Editor (by
   Oliver Roberts).

 · The next several sections will describe the buttons and gadgets in the
   GUI window.


      Loading · Saving · Clearing Data


      Standings · About


      Circuit Name · Circuit Buttons · Checkboxes · Wet/Dry conditions
       Export Records


      HoF Identification


      Score · Time · Date · Pole


      Wing Settings · Brake Balance · Gears · Tyres


      In-car Help · Other options · Control method

File Handling..


 · The path/filename of the HoF Qualifier datafile.

      e.g. Leisure:HallofFame/Records.HoFQ

 Load Gadget

 · Brings up a requester for loading in a datafile.

 Load Button

 · The load button differs completely from the Load gadget and the two
   should not be confused.  This button allows you to load previously
   saved car setups from the Microprose game Formula-1 Grand Prix.
   You can also press Amiga-S on the keyboard to call up the load requester.

 · NOTE: The Amiga Qualifier Key will only be available if set in the
   tooltypes e.g. QUALKEY=YES, or it has been passed as a CLI parameter
   e.g. Run Leisure:F1GP/HoF/HoF_Qualifier QUALKEY


 · Save out all the information into a datafile.


 · Clears out all the current data and resets to internal defaults.



 · Only Available in V3.00 - Sorry!


 · Brings up the about requester.

Circuit Details..

 Wet/Dry Conditions

 · Selects the qualifying session data you want to edit.  You can either
   edit set-ups for a wet qualifying session, or a dry qualifying
   session.  Just click on the cycle gadget, or, hold Amiga-W.  The 'W'
   stands for 'Weather type' not 'Wet'.

 · This feature has been incorporated, due, to a new option implemented in
   F1GP-Ed v3.34.  You can now qualify in wet conditions and submit new lap
   records via the HoF Qualifier.  See the HoF October 97 (or later) and
   F1GP-Ed 3.34 for more detailed information.

 · NOTE: The Amiga Qualifier Key will only be available if set in the
   tooltypes e.g. QUALKEY=YES, or it has been passed as a CLI parameter
   e.g. Run Leisure:F1GP/HoF/HoF_Qualifier QUALKEY

 Circuit Name

 · The name of circuit currently selected (default is USA)


 · The 16 circuits as listed in F1GP.  Each of these circuits can have
   their own independent setups and options.  After clicking on the
   desired circuit button, you may then edit these setups and options
   using the appropriate gadgets in the HoF Qualifier GUI.

 Circuit Checkboxes

 · By selecting a track via a checkbox, you have nominated a track ready
   for exporting.  The export button will now be available.

 Export Records

 · The export button will become available, only, when one or more circuit
   checkboxes have been selected.

 · When this is the case, you can export all the data to a file ready for
   submitting to the Amiga F1GP Hall of Fame.

 · It is important to note, that, the circuits that have been checked on a
   dry setting may differ from those (if any) checked on a wet setting.

User ID..


 · Your HoF qualifier ID is to be entered in the text box on the GUI.

 · Either click in the text box using the mouse to get there, or use

 · NOTE: The Amiga Qualifier Key will only be available if set in the
   tooltypes e.g. QUALKEY=YES, or it has been passed as a CLI parameter
   e.g. Run Leisure:F1GP/HoF/HoF_Qualifier QUALKEY

Qualifying Information..


 · Once a qualifying time and a pole time have been entered your score
   is calculated.  Note: The 107% time ruling applys here, therefore
   any times equal to/or outside 107% will not receive any points.

 · You will be awarded scores for both Dry and Wet conditions.  These are
   likely to differ.


 · Your current best qualifying time for the selected track is entered
   in the text box on the GUI.

 · You are not allowed to enter times above 2:59.999 seconds.

 · Either click in the text box using the mouse to get there, or use

 · NOTE: The Amiga Qualifier Key will only be available if set in the
   tooltypes e.g. QUALKEY=YES, or it has been passed as a CLI parameter
   e.g. Run Leisure:F1GP/HoF/HoF_Qualifier QUALKEY


 · The date you obtained your qualifying time is entered in the text box
   on the GUI.

 · Either click in the text box using the mouse to get there, or use

 · NOTE: The Amiga Qualifier Key will only be available if set in the
   tooltypes e.g. QUALKEY=YES, or it has been passed as a CLI parameter
   e.g. Run Leisure:F1GP/HoF/HoF_Qualifier QUALKEY

 · Ctrl-D will enter the current date automatically and will not move
   you to the text box.

 Pole Time

 · The current best pole time from the HoF is entered in the text box on
   the GUI.

 · You are not allowed to enter times above 2:59.999 seconds.

 · Either click in the text box using the mouse to get there, or use

 · NOTE: The Amiga Qualifier Key will only be available if set in the
   tooltypes e.g. QUALKEY=YES, or it has been passed as a CLI parameter
   e.g. Run Leisure:F1GP/HoF/HoF_Qualifier QUALKEY

Car Set-up..

 Wing Settings (Front/Rear)

 · Just like in the game you can alter the settings (Min 0 Max +64).

 · Either click on the gadget using the mouse to adjust settings or use
   Amiga-F and Shift-Amiga-F (Front), Amiga-R and Shift-Amiga-R (Rear). 

 · NOTE: The Amiga Qualifier Key will only be available if set in the
   tooltypes e.g. QUALKEY=YES, or it has been passed as a CLI parameter
   e.g. Run Leisure:F1GP/HoF/HoF_Qualifier QUALKEY

 Brake Balance (Front/Rear)

 · Just like in the game you can alter the settings (Min -32 Max +32).

 · Either click on the gadget using the mouse to adjust settings or use
   Amiga-B and Shift-Amiga-B.

 · NOTE: The Amiga Qualifier Key will only be available if set in the
   tooltypes e.g. QUALKEY=YES, or it has been passed as a CLI parameter
   e.g. Run Leisure:F1GP/HoF/HoF_Qualifier QUALKEY

 Gear Settings

 · Just like in the game you can alter the settings for all gears 1 to
   6 (Min +16 Max +80).

 · Either click on the gadget using the mouse to adjust settings or use
   Amiga-1, Amiga-2, Amiga-3, Amiga-4, Amiga-5, Amiga-6.  Hold Shift down
   for negative movement.

 · NOTE: The Amiga Qualifier Key will only be available if set in the
   tooltypes e.g. QUALKEY=YES, or it has been passed as a CLI parameter
   e.g. Run Leisure:F1GP/HoF/HoF_Qualifier QUALKEY

 Tyre Setting

 · Just like in the game you can alter the tyre compound.

 · A (Hard), B (Medium), C (Soft), D (V.Soft), Q (Qualifying) and W (Wet)
   compounds are available for selection.

 · Q - Qualifying tyres are default for all dry and wet race set-ups.
   Therefore, it has been decided that Q does not get exported in the
   options field.

 · W - Wet tyres can be used in wet race set-ups.  'W' will be present in
   the options field (if selected) in any exported HoF wet race record(s).

 Load Microprose F1GP Setup

 · Clicking on the load gadget will allow you to load in a previously saved
   setup from Microprose Formula-1 Grand Prix.  This saves you the time of
   manually configuring the HoF-Qualifier program.  Just select your F1GP
   setup for the circuit you are racing on.

HoF Options..

 In-car Help Options

 · Auto Brakes, Auto Gears, Self-Righting Spins, Best Line, Suggested
   Gear.  These options should be checked if you are not trying to compete
   under the F1GP HoF Qualifying Rules.  See the HoF for more details.

 Other Options
 · Fixed HP (716)

   This is set by default as everyone submitting times to the HoF must
   be qualifying at this HP.  De-check this box if you are not (although
   your times may not be allowed if not).

 · 10 Frames/Sec

   This is set by default as everyone submitting times to the HoF must
   be qualifying at this frame rate.  De-check this box if you are not
   (although your times may not be allowed if not).

 · 2 Button Gears

   Check this if you are using this feature under qualifiying.

 · Traction Off

   Check this if you are using this feature under qualifiying.

 Control Method

 · Digital Joystick is default.  Analogue and Keyboard are the other
   options available.

Program Credits..


              · Gadtools/GUI Design
              · OS & Gadtools Coding

                                               By Neil Tweedy ·

              · Concept/Amigaguide
              · Logo/Icon Graphic
              · Additional Coding & Design

                                             By Robert Wilson ·

Amiga Magazines..


 · By all means you can include this game on your Coverdisk(s) or 
   Coverdisc(s).  The only condition is that you plug our group:-

      Micro Dimensions Software

 · and that you mention the authors:-

      Neil Tweedy and Robert Wilson

Tested on..


 · This program has been tested on the following Amigas:-

 A1200  2Mb Chip/16Mb Fast · 68030              @ 50.00 Mhz  KS3.00

 A1200  2Mb Chip/16Mb Fast · 68040rc            @ 40.00 MHz  KS3.00

 A4000  2Mb Chip/16Mb Fast · 68ec030            @ 25.00 MHz  KS3.00

 A4000  2Mb Chip/88Mb Fast · Picasso IV · 68060 @ 50.00 MHz  KS3.10

 · This program has been tested under Enforcer with no problems.

 · This program has not been tested under KS2.04 - although it should
   work, we can not make any guarantees.

Program history..


    · v2.04         » FIRST RELEASE ONTO AMINET «

    · v2.05         » SECOND RELEASE ONTO AMINET «
                    Silly bug in export time (fixed).

Future updates..


 · Standings - In v3.00 we want to implement the Standings list from the
   Amiga F1GP-Hall of Fame.  This could give you a rough idea of where
   you will stand in the next 'Hall of Fame' when you have submitted your
   new qualifying times.  However, of course your final standing will depend
   on all the other competitors scores for that HoF.

 · Font sensitivity - on 1280x1024 size screen, the standard topaz font
   looks a bit small.  So we hope to include code to allow the program
   to use the current screen font, i.e. font sensitive.

 · Probably NTSC support (depending on demand).

 · Possible MUI version (depending on demand).

 · Features that any users can think of will probably be included if we
   like them enough.

 · Plus many numerous things we are thinking of.



   We, at Micro Dimensions Software would like to thank the following:-

   IN U.K.
   Alan Strang                  -   Moderator of the Amiga Hall of Fame.
                                    For encouragement with this program,
                                    constant feedback and for ßeta testing.

   Edo Nijmeijer                -   For F1GP-RES.  It made us write this
                                    program which we think is better! ;)

   The moderators               -   Without whom the Amiga would be dead.



    F1GP-HoF is © Alan Strang              

    F1GP-Ed. is © Oliver Roberts           

    F1GP-RES is © Edo Nijmeijer      

    AMINET is a ® Registered Trademark

    AMIGA is ® Registered Trademark of Amiga International and is owned
    by Gateway 2000.


    Formula-1 Grand Prix is © 1991 Geoff Crammond 
                                       & Microprose Simulation Software

Other bits available..


 · On Aminet you may find other software by Micro Dimensions Software
   of interest:- 

 Countdown.lha      game/think 112K+*MDS Countdown Solver*
 MDS_Mines.lha      game/wb     ??K+*EXCELLENT* WB based 'Mines' game
 SnakesNAdders.lha  game/wb     ??K+Workbench/Pubscreen game a la 'worm'.
 SnakesNAdders2.lha game/wb     ??K+*UPDATED* Workbench/Pubscreen 'worm' game.
 CBASv1.07a.lha     gfx/conv   ???K+Convert C=64/128 gfx to Amiga IFF.
 C64Tunelet.lha     mods/med    34K+*64 TUNELET* COVER BY RECOIL
 Oriental.lha       mods/med   201K+*ORIENTAL MIX* BY RECOIL
 NewDate.lha        util/sys    ??K+System date enhancement for C= version.
 NewDate2.lha       util/sys    ??K+*UPDATED* System date command.
 nd2-ara.lha        util/sys     1K+*ARABIC* Datafile for NewDate 2
 nd2-chi.lha        util/sys     1K+*CHINESE* Datafile for NewDate 2
 nd2-dan.lha        util/sys     1K+*DANISH* Datafile for NewDate 2
 nd2-dut.lha        util/sys     1K+*DUTCH* Datafile for NewDate 2
 nd2-eng.lha        util/sys     1K+*ENGLISH* Datafile for NewDate 2
 nd2-fra.lha        util/sys     1K+*FRENCH* Datafile for NewDate 2
 nd2-ger.lha        util/sys     1K+*GERMAN* Datafile for NewDate 2
 nd2-gre.lha        util/sys     1K+*GREEK* Datafile for NewDate 2
 nd2-heb.lha        util/sys     1K+*HEBREW* Datafile for NewDate 2
 nd2-ind.lha        util/sys     1K+*INDONESIAN* Datafile for NewDate 2
 nd2-ita.lha        util/sys     1K+*ITALIAN* Datafile for NewDate 2
 nd2-jap.lha        util/sys     1K+*JAPANESE* Datafile for NewDate 2
 nd2-kor.lha        util/sys     1K+*KOREAN* Datafile for NewDate 2
 nd2-por.lha        util/sys     1K+*PORTUGUESE* Datafile for NewDate 2
 nd2-rus.lha        util/sys     1K+*RUSSIAN* Datafile for NewDate 2
 nd2-ser.lha        util/sys     1K+*SERBIAN* Datafile for NewDate 2
 nd2-spa.lha        util/sys     1K+*SPANISH* Datafile for NewDate 2
 nd2-tha.lha        util/sys     1K+*THAI* Datafile for NewDate 2
 RCS.lha            util/sys    ??K+Random Workbench Border Colour. KS2.0+

 · Coming Soon:-

   TextArc, PictArc, PictMan, CellAnim, RandBD-2.00 and more NewDate 2
   data files.



Converted on 08 May 1998 with RexxDoesAmigaGuide2HTML 2.1 by Michael Ranner.