After all the rumours and all the signs that have been coming from ClickBOOM, they have finally announced their intentions to convert and Publish Quake for the Amiga.
 It was confirmed on the 5th of January with ClickBOOM announcing the News on their web site and are already taking pre-orders with Amiga Quake set to be released on the 1st of February. You'll only have a short time to wait.
It's important Amiga Quake sales are High, if they are it will mean that ClickBOOM will able to gain licenses to convert any game Amiga Owners desire and pc Publishers in turn will notice the Amiga but sales must be High. I know that the readership has trusted what Amiga Flame has said and I am telling you that this is important for the Amiga Games Market. You must NOT buy or use illegal versions of Amiga Quake, it could not only seriously damage the Amiga Games Market but be the downfall of it. You will have to live knowing that you played a part in that downfall but by buying Amiga Quake from ClickBOOM you will play a greater part in the Amiga's long term survival. The consequences will either be good or bad, but it's your decision and I hope you pick the right one.
ClickBOOM will be providing full support to those who buy it and they have many more plans for Amiga Quake, we should hear about these soon.
Amiga Quake will be absolutely identical to the original pc version such as levels, enemies, weapons, options, keys, quality of the graphics, sounds but it'll have some additional options like full 16-bit gfx support, mouse freelook, misc. gfx settings, Amiga-style menus, locale support, ARexx support and more. The most exciting feature to be included is that you will be able to play Amiga Quake over the Internet against pc, mac or other Amiga players. Another bonus is that any of the Quake addons you can download or buy will work on your Amiga.