The requirements are fairly low end.
- 020+
I don't own an 68000 any more but I've tried some of my other Blitz projects on a 68000 processor and whenever I use Statements and Functions they Crash. I couldn't Imagine writing this program with GoSubs so 020+ it is,
- 90k+ Memory Free
Blitz Basic is great at producing inflated executables (partly my fualt for pulling in lots of libraries)
This program should be Memory Leak proof though as BlitzBasic looks after all the tidying up.
- Triton.library
It's the only GUI system I know how to use.I learned it in Arexx and now I find it very easy to use.
- ToolsDaemon
Not exactly a requirement but it's useless without it.
- HTML Viewer
To Read the documentation you are reading right now. If you are using a Web Browser then might I suggest MoreHTML from the Aminet.