Drag and Drop Explained
The action that TD Prefs2 takes when you drop an icon on it depends on where that icon was dropped.
If you drop an Icon onto the Command List, then the command will be added to the list by any means possible.
This presents 3 Possibilities
The Command Will be added to the Command list of the currently selected Menu Item or Sub Menu.
If you haven't defined a Menu Item or Sub-Item on which to add commands then one will be created with the Filename of the Icon as a name.
If you haven't defined any Menu's then you will get an Error Message and you should Define a Menu.
If you drop an icon onto the Menu-item List View You will force the creation of a Menu Item. and the Icon will be added to the new Menu Items Command List.
If you drop an icon onto the Sub_item list you will cause 1 of 4 things to happen
There are Other Sub-items defined your's will be added tot he list.
There is a currently selected Menu Item You will DESTROY any commands attached to the Menu Item and Create a new Sub-Item attached to the Menu-Item
There are no Menu Items or Sub-items Defined so instead of creating a Sub-Item a Menu Item will be created,
There are no Menu's you'll get the same error as above
This may seem a little confusing but there is a logical progression to the events so it should be intuitive in use.