Lbl E Cls GridOff:AxesOff ViewWindow 0,120,0,0,64,0 Cls Text 8,8,"PROGRAMM ZUR UNTERSUCHUNG" Text 20,8,"DES FEIGENBAUMDIAGRAMMES" Text 58,3,"INIT" Text 58,24,"CALC" Text 58,45,"HELP" Text 58,110,"END" F-Line 0,0,0,7:F-Line 0,7,16,7 F-Line 20,0,20,7:F-Line 20,7,36,7 F-Line 40,0,40,7:F-Line 40,7,56,7 F-Line 100,0,100,7:F-Line 100,7,116,7 Do GetKey=79=>Goto A GetKey=69=>Goto B GetKey=59=>Goto C GetKey=29=>Goto D LpWhile A=A Lbl A " ":" ":" " " PARAMETEREINGABE" " Xmin(04)="?->A " Xmax(04)="?->B " Ymin(01)="?->C " Ymax(01)="?->D Goto E Lbl B If BX:A->B:X->A IfEnd If DX:C->D:X->C IfEnd ViewWindow A,B,0,C,D,0 For A->I To B Step (B-A)/128 5->S For 1->L To 20 I*S*(1-S)->S Next 70->W If I<35 Then 4->W IfEnd For 1->L To W I*S*(1-S)->S Plot I,S Next Next Do GetKey=79=>Goto F GetKey=29=>Goto E LpWhile A=A Lbl F Orange Plot X->A:Y->C Orange Plot X->B:Y->D Goto B Goto E Lbl C Cls Text 30,10,"KEINE HILFE VERVUEGBAR!" Goto E Lbl D Cls Stop