FTPMount 1.2 manual addendum ***************************** Author: Thies Wellpott Date: 15.5.98 What is it? =========== This is a (small) update to FTPMount 1.0 from Evan Scott. You need the original archive FTPMount-1.0.lha from AmiNet (directory comm/tcp) and must install this first. New or corrected features (compared to version 1.0): - Files and directories starting with a "." are now displayed. - Unix directory parsing completely rewritten. - Date parsing rewritten: it does not try to use your local language to parse the always english months of ftp directories anymore. - To get a directory FTPMount sends a "LIST -la" instead of only a "LIST". Some servers need the "-la" to send a long directory listing. - Compiled with SAS/C 6.58; includes version for plain 68000 and for 68020 or better and a special debug version. - Group and other permissions are converted to the corresponding Amiga bits. Not many programs display them! A Section below explains these bits a bit. - New tooltype "COMMENT": if given the file comment will contain the user name, the group name and - if the directory entry is a link - the name of the file or directory the link points to. - New tooltype "TIMEOUT": you can set the time in seconds when FTPMount cancels a connection to a server when no user action is made. Defaults to 120 seconds. E. g. "TIMEOUT=600" sets the time out to 10 minutes. More than 900 seconds is useless because a ftp server cancels a connection after 15 minutes of inactivity. - New tooltype "PASSWORDCRYPT": the old tooltype PASSWORD requires a plain text password - not the best choice. PASSWORDCRYPT accepts an encrypted password. To get the password you need the supplied tool GenFTPpassword. It takes as the only argument the plain text password and outputs the encrypted form. Example: Shell> GenFTPpassword geheim Plain text password: "geheim" (without quotes) Crypted password: *5*DZ>^MVJB8NSF>2\BS:5NP25*2V; Put "PASSWORDCRYPT=*5*DZ>^MVJB8NSF>2\BS:5NP25*2V;" as tooltype into the icon of the ftp site with password "geheim". If both tooltypes "PASSWORD" and "PASSWORDCRYPT" are given "PASSWORDCRYPT" is used. - Host name can contain "," to start the port number; e. g. "hans@ftp.abc.de,34" connects to host "ftp.abc.de", port 34 as user "hans". The port number in the host name overrides the PORT-tooltype like the username does with the USER-tooltype. The hostname can contain a comma (if you need this). The comma in front of the port number is searched from the end of the name and a decimal digit must immediately follow the comma (e. g. "Aminet,wustl" contains no port number, but "Aminet,2wustl" connects to host "Aminet", port number 2). Installation ============ You must have FTPMount 1.0 or later installed. - Copy "FTPMount-Handler" to "FTPMountDir:L". If you are not one of the poor guys with just an 68000 copy instead "FTPMount-Handler.68020" to "FTPMountDir:L/FTPMount-Handler". - Copy "GenFTPpassword" to "FTPMountDir:" or wherever you want. It is a plain 68000 version. No need for a 68020+ version. - Optionally copy "FTPMount-Handler.debug" to "FTPMountDir:L". It is a plain 68000 version. No need for a 68020+ version. - Optionally copy "FTPMount_upd.txt" to "FTPMountDir:" or the place where the original "FTPMount.guide" is located. Using the debug version ======================= 1. You have to quit the running FTPMount. - Quit the commodity "FTPMount Status". Any Exchange like utility allows this. - In a shell execute "Assign FTP: DISMOUNT" to really remove it. 2. Exchange normal and debug file. - Rename FTPMountDir:L/FTPMount-Handler to FTPMountDir:L/FTPMount-Handler.nodebug - Rename FTPMountDir:L/FTPMount-Handler.debug to FTPMountDir:L/FTPMount-Handler 3. Start Sushi or Sashimi or connect a terminal to your serial port. - Execute in a shell something like: Run sashimi BUFK=64 NOPROMPT ASKEXIT ASKSAVE CONSOLE 4. Restart FTPMount - Mount FTP: Switching back to normal version is nearly the same. Be careful: every command sent to the ftp site and every response from it is displayed. Even YOUR PASSWORD IN PLAIN TEXT. If you send me or somebody else a snapshot of the debuging output remove this line (search for "PASS"). Unix permission bits, owner and group ===================================== Some people asked me about unix permission bits because they do not know them. Here is a short explanation ("file" means file or directory here): Unix requires you to login so your user-identity is known. Every file belongs to a specific user - the user who created the file. This user is called owner. Users can be members in groups. The groups and the contained users are managed by the system administrator. Every file belongs to a group. The owner of a file can give different permission bits for himself, the group and for all other users (called others). It is often useful to give yourself read and write permissions and all others just read permissions. FTPMount always uses the owner permission bits as standard AmigaOS protection bits - even if you are *not* the owner (you are right: this is a bug). The group and other permission bits are translated into the group and other protection bits of the AmigaOS. These are not used by the Amiga filesystem! They are just there to be displayed - nothing more. But in conjunction with the tooltype COMMENT they are a bit useful: The file comment contains the owner and the group of the file. You know which user you are (because you have to login). You should know which groups you belong to. With this information you know which protection bits tell you your permissions on the file of the ftp site. Copyright and warrenty ====================== FTPMount 1.2 is FreeWare, copyright 1998 Thies Wellpott. Permission is granted for unlimited public distribution of the executable and documentation of FTPMount provided no fee over and above reclamation of distribution costs is levied. FTPMOUNT SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS-IS" AND SUBJECT TO CHANGE; NO WARRANTIES ARE MADE. ALL USE IS AT YOUR OWN RISK. NO LIABILITY OR RESPONSIBILITY IS ASSUMED. History ======= V1.0 April 1996 - last release from Evan Scott V1.1 20.4.1998 - new tooltypes COMMENT, PASSWORDCRYPT, TIMEOUT - tool GenFTPpassword - rewritten directory parsing - rewritten date parsing - compiled for 68020 and up V1.2 15.5.1998 - 68000 and 68020 version available - AmigaOS has no "hidden" flag only a not supported "hold" flag; the "h"-Flag is not set anymore - source code is available from archive "FTPMount_src.lha" - port number can be given in host name (via "host,port") - documentation enhanced (section about unix permission bits) - asks for password if USER tooltype and no password is given - special debug version with a lot of status information output to the serial port included (you probably need Sushi or Sashimi) ToDo ==== (no specific order) - tooltype for specifying startup commands (Torsten Nahm) - parsing of Windows NT directories is broken (Peter Kaltstein) - parsing of directories from Win95 BisonFTP does not work (Markus Schlittenbauer) - support Seek()ing (nice idea to do this came from Roland Fulde) - support multiple simultanous connections to one ftp site - support proxies (Jürgen Barthmann) - implement all 2.0 and later packet types - possibility to set permission bits and default permission bits - speed up listing of directories - speed up transfer speed - output transfer speed in status window - "Flush directory cache" button - "Remove site" button - global defaults (PORT, QUICK/SLOW, MESSAGES, TIMEOUT, IGNOREHOSTS, TIMEOUT_NOCONNECTION, CX_POPKEY) - tooltypes FORCEREAD, FORCEWRITE, FORCEEXECUTE, FORCEDELETE to always set the corresponding protection bits Known bugs ========== - I only tested the directory listing parsing with unix ftp servers. I do not have access to other types of ftp servers. - Trying to open a file FTP:host/filename with MultiView causes a hang or guru (8000 0003). - Voyager (2.95 eval) will display an empty page if source is FTP:. It does a Read() of 0 bytes length. - DOpus throws Enforcer hits while scanning a directory or copying files (Peter Kaltstein, Frederik Rosenkjaer) - The file progress bar gets confused if the file has grown since the file size was acquired from a directory listing ... it will start drawing past the edge of the bounding box. - If the connection times out, and it has to re-log in to the FTP server it asks for a password again (it should just use the previous value). Author ====== Up to version 1.0 FTPMount is the work of Evan Scott. From version 1.1 on I am the author, do not contact Evan anymore. Thies Wellpott Email: Thies.Wellpott@Informatik.Uni-Oldenburg.DE Homepage: http://www.Informatik.Uni-Oldenburg.DE/~thies Snailmail: Moorhauser Weg 14 26419 Schortens Germany Suggestions, bug reports and gifts are always welcome!