This text file contains the insults for use with the DWaRFiNSULT script PLEASE don't mess with it, unless you know what you are doing!!! Insults By Gareth Murfin - Coded BY CoolWave with help from Beeker! - Dont worry Beeker kindly allowed me to use it :) The [LINES:X] tells the insult script that the following X lines are preset insult sentance's. They are used as the base sentence, with the missing insult being filled in by random words. %u adds the nick name for the person insult you are using the insult against. %a adds a random word from the insult [A:X] word list, while %b adds a random word from the insult [B:X] word list (you can use A - H to make word lists). This is so that you can have reasonably decent sounding insults, by having all the same word types in one list, like a Description list would have 'the shitest', 'rubbishest', 'cackest' etc.... [LINES:15] %u, you have the most %a %d, and %f %b I have ever seen! %u loves %c %d. %u likes to suck on %g! I think %u has %f %b and %f %d. %u you are %h. I saw %u %c %g!! %u looks forward to %c %g! %u, you have no %b and I saw you %c %h %u you are the %a person who ever walked the Earth! %u prepare for your is a side salad topped with %d %u, Im going to beat you to death with %h because you love %c %g! %u you are a rotton lump of turd floating around sucking on %d %u, didnt I see you last night %c %f %g ? %u you are %h and your mother is %h who loves %c %d! %u you wear the %a hats which have -> I have no %b <- on them. %u. Wheres your %b gone? Without it your just a bag of %d! [A:7] smeggiest rubbishest smelliest cackest shitest narrowest fattest [B:7] style curly hair dress sense teeth mother left ventricle sophistication [C:7] chompping on revising with collecting looking at holiday snapshots of socialising with wiping peoples bottoms with packing peoples pants with ample amounts of [D:7] Rimmers Underpants lead models of Rimmers mum Listers old turds Krytens spare heads Listers used hankerchiefs mouldy lumps of dog turd shaven headed bald people [E:0] [F:7] the Most Rimmer like the smeggiest the greasiest the gittiest the most stark raving mad the worst the most comical [G:12] toes socks urine samples urine filled caskets 424 CPU iDENT chips weebles brown leather satchels photographs of listers toes blow football sets small sacks of canoeing gear dogs cans of Wicked strength lager [H:18] a half eaten lolly pop head a smeg head a genetically deformed lumpfish a wickstand head a meat tenderiser head one of herman munsters stunt doubles a piece of sputom in the toilet of life a weasly scum sucking liar a goit a git with all the charm and wit of a public louse a old series 3000 without a slideback sunroof head a smeg head who could possibly be drink tommorows lunch through a straw a pollop on the anus of humanity a floating turd in the rock pool of life a sack of listers old socks a urine filled casket a weeble a disgusting dung heap [END]