/* DWaRFx Config File V1.5 - PRODUCED USING GUI CONFIG EDITOR V1.7 \\ // This is the second released version of the DWaRFx main script and \\ associated files. If you need help, try #AmiChat (GalaxyNet - // SpryNet.Us.GalaxyNet.Org), OR #AmIRC (DalNet), OR try Emailing one \\ of us (see the docs!). // \\ // If a ; is the first non space character on a line, then that line will \\ be skipped! // \\ CONFIG NOTES: // \\ !OPTIONS: // $VARIABLE-NAME=SETTING \\ // !OP-CHANNELS: \\ #CHANNEL-NAME [#CHANNEL-NAME] [#CHANNEL-NAME] [#CHANNEL-NAME] // \\ !FRIENDS: (only your friends addrs) // !@
<00-99> [| ] \\ // !GREETS: (channel greets) \\ // \\ Where C=Channel, P=Private, N=Notice, M=Message, A=Action // \\ !CTCP: // &COMMAND-NAME: \\ COMMAND-REPLY (one per line) // \\ All messages (friends, greets, ctcp replies) Use the following code // table, so that you can make the messages more interesting! \\ // If you require a / in the output text, you must Use // \\ /p will be replaced with the nick of the person who JOIN'd/CTCP'd // /n will be replaced with your current irc nickname \\ /s () will do a ctcp Sound at their end // /b /i /u turns Bold, Inverse AND Underlined text On AND Off \\ /t will be replaced with the current date AND local time // /v will be replaced with the DWaRFx version string \\ /w will be replaced with the DWaRFx Web Page address // /l will be replaced with the DWaRFx logo \\ /c will be replaced by the current channel name // /e will End the current Line AND start a new one \\ /d will be replaced with the DWaRFx Idle time string // /$ () will offer a DCC SEND of \\ /x is the start of a direct AMIRC string, the same as you can enter // in the amirc input gadget. This can contain anything you would \\ normally Type (like commands, actions, AND messages). // /@ () will be replaced by the X'th word of a CTCP Query message. \\ /* () will be replaced by the X'th word, AND all the words following // it in a CTCP Query message. \\ // If you Use *!*@* in the !FRIEND List, OR #* in the !GREETS List it must \\ be the last one in the List, otherwise it will always Use that instead // of a specific host OR channel. \\ // \\ URLSENDBROWSER types: AMOSAIC, VOYAGER, AWEB, IBROWSE // \\ // CHANNEL GUARD MODES: \\ (B)itch mode = Me AND friends can op only // (H)ate mode = Me can op only \\ (O)ff // \\ CHANNEL GUARD TYPES: // (D)eop mode = Deops new op, AND the user that op'd them \\ (F)riend mode = Deops new op, AND the user that op'd them If there NOT // On your friends List \\ (O)ff = Only deop new op */ !OPTIONS: $SELECT=R (CTCP LINE CHOICE R=Random, O=Ordered) $AUTOOP=E (A=Always, N=Never, S=Selected Channels, E=Excluded Channels) $AUTOJOIN=Y (Invited to a channel, Y=Automatically Join, N=Don't Join) $MAXJOIN=4 (Don't Auto Join a channel if on this many channels already) $KEY=DWaRFx-RuLeZ! (The decode key if you receive an encrypted message) $SPEECH=@ (N=No Speech, @=Only speak @ lines, A=Always speak) $SPEECHPATH=C:Say (Path and name of the say command) $WORDKICK=E (A=Always, N=Never, S=Selected Channels, E=Excluded Channels) $WORDMODE=B (K=Kick, B=Ban and Kick) $WARNDEOP=Y (DEOP warned nick?? Y=Yes, N=No) $WORDWARN=3 (Number of swear warnings before kick, 0=no warnings 9=max) $SOUNDMODE=I (Unknown sound?? I=Ignore, S=Notify sender, Y=Notify you, G=Auto getsound) $SOUNDGETPLAY=N (Wait until autoget sound has arrived then play?? Y=Yes, N=No) $SOUNDPLAYER=C:Play16 (Path and name of sound player) $SOUNDMAX=1000000 (maximum size of a requested sound file in bytes) $SOUNDS=N (Play CTCP Sound Requests?? Y=Yes, N=No) $AUTOSEND=N (Send requested sound files?? Y=Yes, N=No) $DCCSPEED=5 (Maximum number of dcc gets running at any one time) $DCCDRAWER=Ram Disk: (Drawer to store automatic DCC'd files in) $DCCMAX=1000000 (maximum size of an autodcc get file in bytes) $AUTODCC=N (Auto get DCC sends?? Y=Yes, N=No) $URLCATCH=LS (URLS I=Ignore, L=Log, S=Send Browser, LS=Log+Send Browser) $URLFILE=Ram:URL-LOG.TXT (path and name of file to log URL's too) $URLSEND=IBROWSE (Send URLs to this browser if active) $AWAYLOG=Y (LOG Messages while marked AWAY?? Y=Yes, N=No) $LOGFILE=Ram:AWAYLOG.TXT (AWAY LOG file name and path) $AWAYPAGER=Y (PAGE while AWAY?? N=No, Y=Yes, F=Friends ONLY) $PAGESOUND=rexx/DWaRFx/GoodMorn.Wav (PAGER SOUND path and file name) $XDCCSLOTS=3 (Maximum number of XDCC sends at any one time) $XDCCMODE=N (XDCC MODE, D=Deny (OFF), N=Normal, O=OPs, F=Friends) $XDCCKICK=Y (Kick USER after DENIED access XDCC request?? Y=Yes, N=No) $XDCCFILE=rexx/DWaRFx/XDCC-PACKS (XDCC Pack list path and filename) $PROTECT=Y (Protect friends being DE'OP by someone else?? Y=Yes, N=No) $REVENGE=Y (Revenge for friends Y=Yes, N=No, F=Not against other friends) $KICKLOG=Y (Log kicks against you?? Y=Yes, N=No) $KICKFILE=Ram:KICK-LOG (Log Kicks path and file name) $GUARDMODE=O (Channel Guard Mode O=OFF, B=Bitch, H=Hate) $GUARDTYPE=O (Channel Guard Type O=OFF, D=Deop, F=Friend) $FLOODPROTECTION=N (Flood protection?? Y=Yes, N=No) $FLOODCTCP=10 (Maximum number of CTCP messages to tigger Protection) $FLOODPRIV=10 (Maximum number of PRIVATE messages to tigger Protection) $FLOODCHAN=10 (Maximum number of CHANNEL messages to tigger Protection) $FLOODNICK=5 (Maximum number of NICK changers to tigger Protection) $FLOODCLONE=3 (Maximum number of USERS from a single host on a channel) $FLOODCLOCK=30 (Number of seconds to reach a maximum tigger value) $FLOODSILENCE=Y (Server SILENCE flooder??? Y=Yes, N=No) $MINIDROP=1 (Max number of minidrop games running at any one time, 0=Off) !FRIENDS: *!*@nbsamiga.demon.co.uk 60 OM CN Hello Dave, Author of /bDWaRFx/b! *!gazy@*globalnet.co.uk 60 OM CN Hello Gaz, Author of /bDWaRFx/b! !BOTS: Q!*@services.galaxynet.org X!*@* Ami!*@* ChanServ!service@dal.net !OP-CHANNELS: #Amiga #AmiChat #AmIRC !WORD-CHANNELS: #AmiChat #AmIRC !GUARD-CHANNELS: #MyChan #MyNewChan #MyMain !GREETS: #CHAT PN Hello /p, Welcome to /c #Gaz CM TESTING TESTING !JOIN-MESSAGE: #Amichat $examplenet.us.domain PN /x//msg Q@services.examplenet AUTH /x//msg Q OPME #Amichat CN /x//me waves hello to everyone! #* CN /x//me waves hello to everyone! !WORDS: FUCK WANK CUNT PUSSY COCK DICK SHIT !CTCP: &COMPANY Alpha Software - Specialising in bringing quality software to the Amiga &CLIENTINFO - Do //CTCP /n . Where commands are - FINGER PING URL COMPANY PICTURE LIKES DISLIKES USERINFOII LONGVERSION DATE OTHER INTRO SOURCE SETUP VERSION QUOTE CLIENTINFO &DATE /t - /d &DISLIKES PC's & MicroSoft! &FINGER Amiga User () - /d &INTRO /n - 20//Male//Newcastle, UK /t &LIKES Amiga's & Alpha Software! &LONGVERSION AmigaOS v3.1 & AmIRC v2.0 &OTHER - Buy Ultimate Gloom today from Electronics Boutique and support the Amiga! &PING Having Fun /p ??? /bKryten:/b Sir, They've taken Mr. Rimmer./e/s(Rimmer.Wav)/bCat:/b Quick, let's get out of here before they bring him back! Do me a lemon, That's a poor IQ for a glass of water! Dwayne Dibbley? Do you want to be Dwayne Dibbley /p ?? Dont ping me half eaten lollypop head! Amigas were built to last, this old baby has crashed more times than a ZX81 /p - Tune into sanity /bFM!/b /b Smeg off dog food breath! /s(NeverSee.Wav)/b >8-> /p Youve got the charm and wit of a pubic/b louse! /b I never wanna see or hear from you again! :) /s(NeverSee.Wav) /b Good Morning Sir! :) /s(GoodMorn.Wav) &PICTURE /$(Amirc:rexx/DWaRFx/mypic.gif) "E When There's no more room in HELL, the dead will walk the EARTH.../eFrom - George A. Romero's Dawn of the dead The only person who could miss with this gun would be the sucker with the bread to buy it! /e From - George A. Romero's Dawn of the dead &SOURCE /w &SETUP Amiga 1200T 060//50//50 (use // for / remember) &URL www.users.globalnet.co.uk//~gazy// &USERINFOII NICK: /n/eREALNAME: Amiga User/e AGE: 20/eD.O.B: (10.6.80)/e LIVES: Newcastle, UK/eJOB: Amiga Coder!/e HOBBIES: Amiga Coding!/e