I have just received a Press Release of a new game in the Style of the old BlueByte Game, Battle Isle. This game will be called Battle and will feature many new exciting ideas which have been detailed below.
But development of Battle relies on your input of ideas and he is looking for Skilled Amiga Owners to help him out. He is looking for a Graphician, a Musician and Perhaps some Co-Programmer (Language is C). I know that there are people who could help him out and I urge anyone out there who could help, to please get in contact with him. You not only helping in the development of a game but a game like Battle could easily become a great game with everyone's help.
- Now you can hide your units in the ground
- Develop new Units and Weapons
- Train your Units
- Special Missions
- New and more Buildings
- Special Weapons which causes damage on more the one field
- The Map-Size can be bigger than only 64 * 64 Fields (i.e. 1000 * 2000 Fields)
- You can get Units from the Map before
- Now it's possible to play against 3 other Players (perhaps over the Internet)
- Now you must explore the map before you can see anything
- Now your units got a sight limit
- Buildings are destroyable
- Custom Maps, Missions, Units, Landscapes, Buildings etc.
- Editors for Units, Building, Weapons, Landscape etc.
The Required Hardware Configuration:
Minimum Configuration:
AGA Chipset or a Graphic-Card which supports 256 Colours on a Screen
68020 with 14 MHz
2 MB Chipmem (No Music, No Special-Missions, No Animation's, etc.)
Recommended Configuration:
AGA Chipset (for LORES) or a Graphic-Card (for HIRES)
68030 with 50 MHz
2 MB Chipmem and min. 4 MB Fastmem (as more as better!)
I need a Graphician, a Musician and Perhaps some Co-Programmer (Language is C).
Ideas, Suggestions etc. are welcome. Please help creating and supporting new Amiga-Games and send me your ideas or your help.