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Assassins CD 3

Assassins Ultimate Games CD
Volume 3


The tradition continues with the release of the latest Assassins Ultimate Games CD Volume 3. Over 500 new games and an all new and enhanced menu system for the selection of the great games contained on the compact disc. All of the games are ready to run directly from the menu system. This menu system has received accolades from amongst the Amiga Press on the previous two compact discs, both of which have received Amiga Format Gold awards for excellence. The menu provides access to all of the games, brief instructions, requirements, access to the full instructions also the game itself. Ease of use has always been a priority with the Assassins compact discs and this ethos has been continued and improved. All of the games are new and original and have not appeared on either of the previous two compact discs.

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Last modified: January 01, 1998